I am a coastal oceanographer concentrating on fine-sediment transport and coastal processes. That is, studying the role that waves, tides, currents and mixing of fresh and saltwater play in the transport of fine sediments in estuarine and shallow-shelf settings. I have studied the formation and influence of high-concentration bottom suspensions on sediment dispersal and sediment flow interactions. My effort is generally on field observations with novel instrumentation to provide insight and ground-truthing for sediment and circulation modeling studies. Study areas in the coastal US include the Gulf of Mexico, Gulf of Alaska, and estuaries in the Southeastern US and New England. Internationally I have worked in the Bay of Fundy area, Amazon shelf, Papua New Guinea, Bohai Sea, and the Adriatic and Mediterranean Seas. Recent work includes studies in the Connecticut River estuary and the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta.
Current Graduate Students and Projects
- Lisa Kumpf: Sediment Transport to an Abandoned Distributary Channel on the Huanghe (Yellow River) Delta, China.
- Michelle Mullane: Seasonal Variability of Sediment Dispersal on the Yellow River, China, Delta Front
- Ellen Kristiansen: The Effects of Estuarine Fronts on Fine-sediment Trapping in the Connecticut River Estuary
- Aleks Ostojic: Evolution of a Marsh Island in Response to Dynamic Environmental Change
Recent M.S. Alumni and Projects
- Kevin Simans: Assessing the Roles of River Discharge, Gravitational Circulation and Salt-Wedge Migration on Suspended-Sediment Flux in a Highly-Stratified Estuary (2018)
- Katherine Lavallee: Suspended Cohesive Particle Characteristics in the Connecticut River Estuary (2017)
- Kendall Valentine: Characterization of the Bed, Critical Boundary Shear Stress, and Roughness Parameters in the Connecticut River Estuary. (2015)
Recent Publications
- Carlson, B. N., Nittrouer, J. A., Moodie, A. J., Kineke, G. C., Kumpf, L. L. & Ma, H., “Infilling abandoned deltaic channels through tidal sedimentation: a case study from the Huanghe (Yellow River) delta, China” in press, Journal of Geophysical Research Earth Surface
- Lavallee, K.D., Kineke, G.C. & Milligan, T.G., 2019. Variability of Cohesive Particle Characteristics in an Energetic Estuary: Flocs vs. Aggregates, Estuaries and Coasts. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12237-019-00655-6
- Traykovski, P., J. Trowbridge, G. Kineke, 2015. Mechanisms of surface wave energy dissipation over a high-concentration sediment suspension, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 120:1638-1681, DOI: 10.1002/2014JC010245.
- Hsu T. J., P. A. Traykovski, G. C. Kineke, 2007, On Modeling Boundary Layer and Gravity-driven Fluid Mud Transport. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 112, C04011, doi:10.1029/2006JC003719.
- Kineke, G. C., Higgins, E. E., Hart, K. and D. Velasco, 2006, Fine-Sediment Transport Associated with Cold Front Passages on the Shallow Shelf, Gulf of Mexico. Continental Shelf Research, 26:2073-2091.