School Notes
Date posted: Aug 29, 2021
This National Science Foundation research grant, entitled "Quantifying Magmatic Influences on the Longevity of Segmented Transform Fault Systems", will support research on the magmatic and tectonic processes affecting oceanic transform fault morphology and segmentation. This research will involve 3-D numerical simulations of magmatic injection carried out on the BC Computational Cluster, combined with new observations of the seafloor from current and upcoming cruises to the Gofar Transform Fault on the East Pacific Rise. The grant will foster collaborations between Boston College and partners at Western Washington University and the European Institute for Marine Studies, as well as support undergraduate research opportunities within the Earth and Environmental Sciences Department. For more information, or if you are interested in learning more about undergraduate research opportunities associated with this project, contact Dr. Thomas Morrow at thomas.morrow@bc.edu.