School Notes

Date posted:   Nov 06, 2018

A Brief Topography of Representation: The Theatre of Tadeusz Kantor

Photo of tadeusz kantor

Tadeusz Kantor (1915-1990), painter, theatre director, stage designer, actor, writer, and theoretician, was one of the most influential multi-disciplinary artists of the 20th century. His stage works, Gesamtkunstwerke, that synthesize drama, staging, spectacle and music, articulate new conceptions of time and space and of the object; they challenge history caught in the act of archiving the events in absolute space and absolute time by articulating the materiality of memory.
As Boston College Scholar-in-Residence, Michal Kobialka, the preeminent and internationally acclaimed authority on Kantor, will present a 4-day lecture/screening series from November 15 through November 18 entitled Tadeusz Kantor – A Brief Topography of Representation.
 In addition to Kobialka’s four presentations, the series also includes screenings of The Dead ClassWielopole,  and Today is my Birthday. The Kantor project will be framed by discussions of Kantor’s machines and objects, the idea of mnemotechnics and historiography, as well as the exploration of late style.