We are an ecosystem of scientists researching how vertebrates develop. We work towards answering fundamental questions about evolution and biomedicine using the powerful zebrafish model. We strive to create an environment where researchers at all career levels can do our best possible science, and to be an incubator and a platform from which successful careers are launched. 

Our Research Questions

  •  What genetic and endocrine factors regulate the growth and mineralization of the skeleton?

  •  How do appendages remember their shape and regrow that shape during regeneration?

  •  Can changes in relative developmental timing cause congenital disease or create evolutionary novel phenotypes?

Our Values


We are committed to asking exciting questions and producing the highest possible quality of science.



Good communication is the lifeblood of our lab, and the goal of all our research is to be disseminated to the broader scientific community.


Our work is inherently interdisciplinary, so we maintain excellent collaborative relationships with several labs with complementary interests.


We respect ourselves, our lab mates, and our broader scientific and non-scientific communities.


Our Commitment to Diversity

We understand that diversity in identities and lived experiences is essential to excellence. We recognize that trainees with different identities and backgrounds face specific challenges and biases, both unintentional and targeted. In our lab, we are committed to creating and continuously improving  an inclusive, supportive environment for people of all racial identities, socioeconomic backgrounds, political, religious and non-religious beliefs and sexual and gender identities. We work to educate ourselves about identities different than our own, and to uplift those who face structural discrimination, exclusion and bias.