Associate Professor of the Practice
Director of the Faith, Peace, and Justice Minor
Stokes Hall 453N
Telephone: 617-552-3886
Email: joshua.snyder@bc.edu
The Challenge of Justice
The Challenge of Peace
Peaceful Ethics: Social Action Leadership Methods
Faith, Peace, & Justice Senior Seminar
God, Self, and Society
Introduction to Christian Theology
Transitional Justice and Catholic Peace-Building
Areas of Specialization: Guatemalan Catholic Church & Human Rights; Peace, Justice, & Reconciliation; Public Context of Forgiveness; Efficacy of Truth Commissions; Comparative Truth Commissions; Catholic Social Teaching; Nonviolent Peacebuilding, Religious Approaches to Human Rights
Medical & Bioethics
Areas of Specialization: Global Public Health; Health Implications of Climate Change; Virtues of Accompaniment & End of Life Care; Palliative Care & Social Justice
Tues/Thurs noon-1:15 PM
Wednesday 2:00-4:00 PM or by appointment
Joshua R. Snyder, Ph.D. is Associate Professor of the Practice in Theological Ethics at Boston College. He also is the Director of the Faith, Peace, and Justice Minor. Joshua earned his Ph.D. in Theological Ethics from Boston College. His dissertation entitled, Love Promoting Justice: An Augustinian Ethic for Transitional Justice from the Context of Guatemala explored how charity as a civic virtue can bring about social reconciliation in a divided society. Joshua’s research focuses on transitional justice and Catholic Peace-Building with an emphasis on the Guatemalan Catholic Church & Human Rights. Additionally, he is interested in Catholic Social Teaching and its contribution to global public health with a specific focus on ethical accompaniment and end of life care.
Selected Publications
“Ethical Accompaniment and End of Life Care” accepted for publication in Christian Bioethics, expected publication date is summer 2024.
“Catholic Social Teaching & Global Public Heath: Insights for COVID-19.” Journal of Catholic Social Thought. 19, no. 2 (Summer 2022): 299-319.
“Peacebuilding, not Just War, is how to respond to the Ukrainian Crisis,” SACRU Document on Ukraine In Light of the Holy Father’s Appeal for Peace (February 25, 2022) https://www.sacru-alliance.net/sacru-international-document-on-ukraine/
“The Role of Truth, Memory & Forgiveness in Reconciling a Divided Society: Lessons from Guatemala and El Salvador” in Ajlina Karamehic-Muratovic and Laura Kromják, eds. Remembrance and Forgiveness: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Genocide and Mass Violence (London and New York: Routledge Press, 2020), 98-113.
“Should Transitional Justice Promote Forgiveness? Insights from Guatemala’s Recovery of Historical Memory” Journal of Peace and Justice Studies. 20, no. 1 (2020): 3-24.
“Structures of Vice and Communities of Care: Reading Laudato Si’ from the Context of Guatemala” Voices: EATWOT’s Theological Journal, 39, no 2 (July-December 2016): 89-103.