Stokes Hall 283S
Email: kyoung.kim@bc.edu
Sport Sociology, Feminist Transnational/Postcolonial Studies of Sport and Physical Cultural Studies
Kyoung-yim Kim is an Associate Professor of the Practice of Social Science, and affiliated in the Department of Sociology and Women’s and Gender Studies. She received a PhD in 2012 at the University of Toronto, Canada. Her main area of research is in the sociology of sport, with a special focus on postcolonial intersectionalities of race, gender, nation, and environmental sustainability in sport mega-events.
Kim, K.Y. (2020). Mobility of sustainability policy: Sledding tracks in the Nagano and PyeongChang Olympics. In B. Wilson and B. Millington (Eds.) Sport and the Environment: Politics and Preferred Futures. Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing.
Kim, K.Y. (2019). Ecological modernization in 2018 PyeongChang Winter Games: The elitist and unjust environmental performance. In R. Millington and S. Darnell (Eds.) Sport, Sustainable Development and Environment. London & New York: Routledge.
Kim, K.Y., & Chung, H. (2018). Eco-modernist environmental politics and counter-activism around the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Games. Sociology of Sport Journal, 35 (1). 17-28.
Kim, K.Y., Adams, M.L., & et. al. (2016). Feminist cultural studies: Uncertainties and possibilities. Sociology of Sport Journal, 33 (1). 1-19.
Research Fellow in Japan. Social Science Research Council/Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, at the Tohoku University, Japan (2017-18). Urban Regeneration through Olympics and Environmental Policy: Cases on PyeongChang and Tokyo Games.
Ignite Grant. Office of the Vice Provost for Research, Boston College (2016). Olympic Games, Transnational Politics of the Environment and Ecological Injustices: Japan and South Korean Cases.
Research Fellowship. Japan Foundation (2015). Winter Olympics and Environmental Sustainability at Community Level: Comparative Study between Nagano and PyeongChang Games.
Outstanding Article Award, North American Society for the Sociology of Sport (2014). Translation with “abusive fidelity”: Methodological issues in translating media texts about Korean LPGA players.
Graduate Paper Award, International Sociology of Sport Association (2011). Glamorous sojourners: Korean women golfers’ transnational mobility and flexibility.