Telephone: 617-552-3797
Email: kendra.eshleman@bc.edu
Advanced Latin and Greek seminars on Tacitus, Apuleius, Cicero, Livy, and Herodotus. Roman History, Roman Family Law, Ancient Medicine, Roman Religion.
The Second Sophistic and early Christianity, and the formation of identity among intellectuals in the first three centuries CE.
Kendra Eshleman is a Roman historian with a special interest in the Second Sophistic and early Christianity. Her primary research area is the formation of identity among intellectuals in the first three centuries CE. Her first book, The Social World of Intellectuals in the Roman Empire, examines the many ways in which being (who you are) was shaped by belonging (whom you know) for philosophers, sophists, and Christians in this period.
She teaches Latin and Greek at all levels, especially (but not exclusively) prose. In recent years, she has taught advanced seminars on Tacitus, Apuleius, Cicero, Homer, Thucydides, and Greek Rhetoric. She also regularly teaches Greek and Roman History, Roman Family Law, and Roman Religion.