Attending one of three selective public secondary schools in Boston known as "exam schools" has been viewed as an indicator of academic success. A new analysis examined the relationship between attendance at a City Connects elementary school and later Boston exam school attendance.

Students in City Connects elementary schools are, on average, more likely to attend exam schools than comparison students. Moreover, probability of attending an exam school increased with each additional year in a City Connects elementary school. 



In the figure above, the estimated probability of attending an exam school is displayed on the vertical axis. The horizontal axis represents the number of years attending a City Connects school, so that each bar displays the probability of attending an exam school for a given number of years' attendance in a City Connects elementary school. The red line indicates the probability of attending an exam school for comparison students who were never enrolled in a City Connects school.

Source: The Impact of City Connects: Progress Report 2014, p. 33-34.