Printers, Scanners, Computers, and More

The BC Law Library houses a wide variety of technology in order to serve the faculty, staff, and students of the Law School. Explore the tabs below to learn more. For additional resources targeting classroom use, see our Educational Technology page. For more information on printing, including guides to set up printing for research assistants and law review staff, see our Printing page.

Law School Computer Lab

Located on Level 1, the Computer Assisted Learning Center​ (CALC) in Room 155 is the primary facility for individual student use​. At times, this space may be reserved by the Law Library staff for training and educational programs. Every effort will be made to give advance notice of times when CALC 155 will be unavailable. CALC 155 is equipped with several Windows worksta​ti​ons, 2 Macintosh workstations, and several monitor only workstations. 

The Computer Assisted Learning Centers are food and drink free zones.

Public Workstations

Public computers are located on Level 2 of the Law Library.

iPad Kiosks

iPad kiosks for accessing the library catalog and other library resources are located in the following locations:

  • Level 1 - at the Papercut print station (outside Room 100)
  • Level 2 - at the Information Desk
  • Level 3 - at the Papercut print station (outside the Lutch Computer Center, Room 300)
  • Level 4 - at the Papercut print station (outside Room 400)

KIC Scanner

Self-service KIC-Start scanner stations are located near the Information Desk, outside room 232 and in Room 375 on Level 3. The scanners are free to use, and you may save the scanned documents to a USB flash drive or you may e-mail the documents to your email account. The scanners can scan book pages or individual sheets of text.  Automatic document feed devices are attached to the scanners located near the Information Desk.

Papercut Print Release Stations

Release stations on the Law School campus are located on all levels of the Law Library.  Print jobs can be sent from any lab, library public access computer, personal laptop, smartphone or tablet and can be accessed at any print release station in the Law Library or at any Papercut print release station at the University. Setup your computer, smartphone & tablet to print to BC-Print-BW or BC-Print-Color. Students receive $15 in PrintBucks each semester. This is the equivalent of 500 black & white pages, or 30 color pages. If you use up your $15 in PrintBucks during the semester, you will be charged 3 cents for each additional black and white page and 50 cents for each additional color page to your Eagle Bucks account. Note: Two pages, printed double-sided, are charged as one page. For complete details, please review the Student Printing Policy.

Mobile Device Charging Station

Is your cell phone battery low? Lock it up and recharge it in our device charging station located on Level 2 near the Papercut printers. Various laptop and device chargers are also available for check-out at the Information Desk.

Web-based Conferencing

Rooms 331 and 401 are available for web-based conferencing. These rooms can be reserved for your call during regular library business hours. Please make a reservation through the study room reservation system.  Use of this equipment requires a cable/adapter packet that can be checked out at the Information Desk. If you require instruction on the use of the installed equipment, please contact ATR at (617) 552-2604, email:, to make an appointment for a training session.

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC

Adobe Acrobat Pro DC is available for students’ use on three library computers: two on the main floor (Level 2) and one in the Computer Assisted Learning Center (CALC) in Room 155. Computers are available on a first-come, first-served basis. If you have trouble accessing Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, please contact ATR (617-552-4475 or or speak with a staff member at the Information Desk.