Research Databases

Boston College's Law Library subscribes to over 200 legal databases, providing a wide variety of resources. These databases can be accessed from this A-Z List.  Law students also have access to all of the University’s databases, which can be filtered by subject (e.g., biology, social work, gender studies) or database type (e.g., data/statistics, newspapers, market research/industry reports.  On this page, you can find information regarding legal research, study aids, and recommended databases. 

The Teaching & Research librarians are always happy to consult with you to determine the best databases for your specific research project. Connect with us using any of the methods below.

Email Us

Email us your research questions to and we'll get back to you by the next business. You also can call us at 617-552-2971 during our scheduled reference hours.

Request a Research Consultation

You can request an online or in-person appointment with a research librarian. We can help you get started with a research project or paper, train you on legal databases, give you tips on navigating the Bluebook, or help you locate specific sources. You can choose a specific librarian or the first available.

Chat with a Librarian

To get live help with a research question, you can request to chat with a research librarian during our scheduled reference hours.

Help With Common Legal Research Tasks

Study Aids

The Law Library subscribes to multiple sources of study aids for class and exam prep. Before buying an expensive study aid, check out the resources available to you for free! For more help, see our BC Law Library Research Guide on Study Aids and Exam Preparation Resources.

Bloomberg Law: Law School Course Resources

Logo for Bloomberg

Features course-specific resources, including advanced courses, as well as class prep & stress management resources.

West Academic Study Aids

Logo for West Academic

Includes hornbooks, legal outlines, case briefs and exam prep materials and more!


Logo for Cali

The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction: Ask for Registration Code at the Information Desk in the Law Library.

Aspen Learning Library

Logo for Aspen Learning Library

Includes Examples & Explanations, Glannon Guides, Emanuel Outlines, and more!

Popular and Recommended Databases

Below are some of BC Law's most popular databases, with explanations as to how they can best serve your research needs. Additionally, this section contains some student favorites for specific courses and databases recommended by the Law Librarians. 

Photo of WestLaw WestLaw WestLaw


Photo of WestLaw

Westlaw is my go-to legal research platform. It has easy-to-use features, some of the best treatises, and helpful 50 state surveys. It also offers helpful advanced search options. Also, I love to use Westlaw’s Practical Law because its forms and checklists are helpful starting points. —Lindsay Moore, 3L (Advanced Legal Research)


Westlaw is a comprehensive legal research system that includes case law, annotated statutory codes, regulatory materials, and secondary sources.

Photo of HeinOnline HeinOnline HeinOnline


Photo of HeinOnline

My favorite database is HeinOnline because you can quickly find Law Journals [in PDF, back to Volume 1 for most Law Reviews!], the Federal Register, historical treatises, and helpful legislative history materials. —3L student (Advanced Legal Research)


HeinOnline provides access to law journals with retrospective coverage and many pre-1980 titles not available in other databases; also includes the Federal Register, a Legal Classics Library of treatises, a Treaties and Agreements Library, and additional federal resources. Materials are available as pdf images and as searchable text files. Additional titles and years added regularly.

Photo of National Archives Office of the Federal Register National Archives Office of the Federal Register Federal Register

National Archives Office of the Federal Register

Law Librarian Favorite

Photo of National Archives Office of the Federal Register

No matter what platform I started on, I always jump to when given a link to the Federal Register, especially for rulemaking.  This free database blows away every other platform’s version for ease of use.   The Document Details on the right gives useful summary information, such as deadlines and effective dates, and a link to the pdf if you need an authenticatable copy.  If comments are still be accepted on a proposed rule, there is a direct link to submit your comments to  The interactive table of contents makes it easy to quickly find the parts of even an incredibly long document that must be analyzed in determining why the rule was written that way.  Public inspection lets you see into the future, and view upcoming regulations even before they have been published.  – Joan Shear, Legal Information Librarian & Lecturer in Law (Environmental Legal Research, INtellectual Property Research, and Advanced Legal Research)

Federal Register

Provides access to current day's issue of the Federal Register as well as search capability for other Federal Register issues.

Photo of

Photo of

Provides access to federal government publications from all three branches of government; a product of the U.S. Government Publishing Office.

Photo of Eur-Lex Eur-Lex Eur-Lex


Student & Law Librarian Favorite

Photo of Eur-Lex

Sophisticated EU legal research portal and it is completely free. On it you can find consolidated versions of EU founding treaties, the most current directory of EU legal acts, which include regulations, directives and decisions, legislative history documents,  interpreting case law to EU legislation, each and every issue of the Official Journal of the European Union and a million other useful materials!  —Sherry Xin Chen, Legal Information Librarian & Lecturer in Law (International Legal Research and Advanced Legal Research)

Eur-Lex Database

Access the authentic Official Journal of the European Union, EU law, EU case-law, consolidated texts, summaries of legislation, and much more.

I kept finding myself returning to this resource for European Union legal research questions on class assignments. It’s intuitive, free, and pretty comprehensive! -- Students from Professor Chen's International Legal Research Course

Photo of Law360 Law360 Law360


Photo of Law360


Law360 is a legal news source and current awareness tool covering all practice areas.



Photo of MCLE

Practitioner-oriented materials created by Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education (MCLE) are incredibly useful and straightforward. Some of their manuals are available on Lexis and Westlaw, but you can find even more on MCLE’s own online platform. There are practical manuals, jury instructions, forms and checklists, and live & on-demand programs. Browse their Practical Portals (Civil Litigation, Criminal Law, Business + Commercial Law, etc.) to find relevant materials for your research project. —Laurel Davis, Legal Information Librarian & Lecturer in Law (Research for Criminal Law Practice and Advanced Legal Research)

Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education

Provides unlimited access to all available online content from MCLE (Massachusetts Continuing Legal Education) including on-demand webcasts, downloadable MP3 audio programs, MCLE's entire collection of practice manuals, and over 400 ebooks, as well as all content in MCLE's professional development plans.

Photo of AILA Link AILA Link AILA Link


Law Librarian Favorite

Photo of AILA Link

AILALink is a comprehensive electronic  library of immigration law resources, including asylum cases organized by topic, U.S. Supreme Court and Circuit Court cases, federal statutes and regulations, Board of Immigration Appeals decisions, USCIS’s Administrative Appeals Office decisions, Board of Alien Labor Certification Appeals decisions, policy memoranda and guidance materials for more than 15 federal administrative agencies, and secondary sources published by the American Immigration Lawyers Association, including Kurzban’s Immigration Law Sourcebook which is widely regarded as the bible of immigration law.  —Karen Breda, Legal Information Librarian & Lecturer in Law (Immigration Law Research and Advanced Legal Research)

AILALink Database

A comprehensive web-based library of primary and secondary immigration law materials, AILALink is created by the American Immigration Lawyers Association. It includes the full text of Kurzban’s Immigration Law Sourcebook and many other books, as well as links to cases, statutes, regulations, forms and the newsletter Immigration Law Today.

Photo of Intelligize Intelligize Intelligize


Law Librarian Favorite

Photo of Intelligize

Intelligize provides access to filings made by public companies with the Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC). Compared to the SEC’s own EDGAR database, Intelligize has advanced search features and expanded search criteria allowing for precise and efficient research that will save you time. Through Intelligize you can also easily locate examples of company by-laws, charters, and material agreements. —Amy Bruce, Legal Information Librarian & Lecturer in Law (Business Law Research and Advanced Legal Research)

Intelligize Database

Intelligize provides a suite of applications to support SEC research and compliance activities. Sign in with your LexisNexis personal credentials.

Photo of Bloomberg Law Bloomberg Law Bloomberg Law

Bloomberg Law

Photo of Bloomberg Law

Bloomberg Law makes transactional research so easy and painless, especially when looking for sample agreements/contracts. —Melissa Gaglia, 2L (Business Law Research)

Bloomberg Law

Built on the foundation of the Tax Management Portfolios™, Bloomberg Law: Tax is a comprehensive tax research solution, providing an easy-to-use interface with fast and easy access to expert analysis, in-depth news, extensive primary source materials, and a full range of practitioner-developed tools exclusive to Bloomberg BNA.

"The industry insights, dockets, and court analytics on Bloomberg Law are tremendously helpful." —3L student (Advanced Legal Research)

"Bloomberg Law is easy to access and contains all the relevant business research I need. I especially like the practical guidance and checklists." —3L student (Advanced Legal Research)

Photo of Statista Statista Statista


Law Librarian Favorite

Photo of Statista

Need to find the incarceration rate broken down by ethnicity in the US or another country?   How many Fortune 500 companies are located in each state?  Need a report collecting statistics related to a particular company or industry?  How about litigation spending by large companies? While not a strictly legal research database, Statista is a fantastic resource for tracking down statistics, infographics, reports and facts from around the world on a wide variety of topics.  Use the link from All BC Research Databases to tap into this rich resource.  Try it out, and you will see just what a treasure trove of information Statista is! –Stephanie Farne, Legal Information Librarian & Lecturer in Law


Statista is an online portal providing data on the global digital economy, industrial sectors, consumer markets, public opinion, media and macroeconomic trends. Quantitative data from 425 economic sectors in 50 countries are provided with a range of infographic tools for analysis and visualisation.

Photo of LexisNexis LexisNexis LexisNexis


Photo of LexisNexis


Lexis is a comprehensive legal research system that includes case law, annotated statutory codes, regulatory materials, and secondary sources.

Photo of PLI Plus PLI Plus PLI Plus

PLI Plus

Student Favorite

Photo of PLI Plus

PLI Plus is an extremely helpful resource that I'm glad we have access to through the BC Law Library. Its treatises and handbooks are useful for getting started in an unfamiliar area of law. —Lindsay Moore, 3L (Advanced Legal Research)

PLI Plus Database

Electronic access to the complete catalog of PLI treatises, course handbooks and answer books. Also includes downloadable legal forms and a growing list of transcripts of PLI seminars. 

Photo of HotShot HotShot HotShot


Photo of HotShot

HotShot Legal

HotShot provides online training on transactional, litigation, accounting & finance, and business skills. Courses are available on topics such as e-discovery, depositions, M&A term sheets, and start-up funding. Each course consists of short videos, approximately 10 minutes in length, which come with interactive quizzes and for faculty, there are recommendations for exercises on each topic. Sign up using your BC email. Contact the BC Law librarians at for further assistance.

Photo of Bloomber Law Litigation Intelligence Center Bloomber Law Litigation Intelligence Center BL Litigation Intelligence Center

Bloomber Law Litigation Intelligence Center

Law Librarian Favorite

Photo of Bloomber Law Litigation Intelligence Center

This is THE resource for accessing pleadings, motions, briefs, record appendices and dockets for state and federal courts!  In addition, BLAW’s Litigation Intelligence Center includes litigation practical guidance, checklists, toolkits and sample litigation documents, court rules, jury instructions, expert witness profiles and more. —Karen Breda, Legal Information Librarian & Lecturer in Law (Immigration Law Research and Advanced Legal Research)

Bloomberg Law's Litigation Intelligence Center

The Litigation Intelligence Center is a one-stop-shop for all the tools, resources, and guidance litigators need to research and write. Use Brief Analyzer to review a draft pleading and Litigation Analytics to learn more about a specific judge, law firm, or company. Access dockets, primary sources, Practical Guidance, news on litigation, verdict reports, expert witness data, and more.

Featured Database

Each year one of the "Students' Favorites" is selected to be featured as a top resource. Check back to see if your recommendation is selected next year!

U.S. Code from the House of Representatives’ Office of Law Revision Counsel

I found this free database to be a convenient and easy way to easily search through statutes by their popular names or by their Public Law/Statutes at Large numbers. After learning about it, I have made heavy use of it for Law Review work and some other assignments as well. It has made life infinitely easier when dealing with current and no-longer-in-force statutes.
John Ferraro, 3L (Advanced Legal Research)