How did you decide an MBA was the right next step for you?
I always wanted to pursue an MBA, but knew that having a few years of experience is really important to get the most out of it. After a few years working as a consultant I knew I had the experience to excel and wanted to make a career shift from non-profit to the public/private sector. At the same time the COVID-19 pandemic hit, which threw in a huge layer of uncertainty. But then getting accepted to BC made it all worth the hard work and wait.
Why did you choose to attend Boston College?
I’m from a big BC family—my grandfather is a triple eagle (BC High, undergrad, and MBA)—so I grew up hearing about the strength of Jesuit-based education and witnessed the strong connection between alumni. So, when applying I had BC on the top of my list especially because my undergrad didn’t have a strong alumni network that I could pull from like I could with a degree from BC. But, it was after applying, meeting the current MBAs, and learning more about the tight-knit program that I knew it was the best fit for me. Everyone was so welcoming and open to help me in my process.
What advice would you give to future BC MBA candidates?
Spend time with your classmates! While you always have the entire BC network, your classmates are who will be in your immediate network. These are the people who you can and will always call first for help, support, and career connections. Make the most out of the two years building these relationships—and having some fun—because you will never get an opportunity like this again.