Rogelio Duran

Rogelio Duran

How has the Boston College MBA shaped your career trajectory and professional goals?

Besides the obvious, life-long impacts to my network, business acumen, and salary, my BC MBA/MSF degrees have given me the confidence to contribute to engagements and revenue-generating activities that I otherwise would have never considered. I am someone you can call a “career professional” in that I have only worked in wealth management. I truly believe that the work I do is as important to that of a doctor or a teacher because my advice affects generations. I work with the families of executives, entrepreneurs, doctors, venture capitalists, lobbyists, and many more to construct the most flexible and comprehensive wealth plan that meets the needs of every stakeholder.

My MBA/MSF degrees have highlighted the importance of the bigger picture that a strategic mind with a bias to business can have in my clients’ lives. I better understand the forces that control the wealth that my clients aspire to generate, and even as I expect to continue working with families and managing their wealth for the rest of my career, my MBA/MSF degrees will allow me to pivot in any direction should I need to.

What was it like to be a part-time MBA student?

Being a part-time MBA student was a challenge. When I started the program, I had just moved back home to Boston after spending five years in Chicago. On top of that, I had just started working for a new company, all the while having an infant at home. Not only did I need to get acquainted with a new firm, but I was also beginning a rigorous academic program. I worked in Boston’s Financial District and getting to Fulton Hall required a substantial commute. From this experience I have gained the appreciation that every person has a different circumstance. Some classmates had families, while others worked long, fast-paced hours, but we were all working towards a Boston College MBA.

Most importantly, I learned how to be the most productive version of myself and to seek help when I needed it. I learned a great deal on my fellow classmates and cherish the support we provided one another. If I could do something over again, I would participate more in the clubs at Carroll. Many of the clubs organized events and gatherings that I was really interested in but didn’t attend because it didn’t “fit” my busy schedule. I realize that I should have made more time for those kinds of interactions.

What is your advice to future Boston College MBA candidates?

My only advice to future BC MBA candidates is to pursue an MBA not to check a box but to nourish your intellectual curiosity, which will lead to career success.