Fulton Hall 350D
Telephone: 617-552-4887
Email: susan.pan@bc.edu
Statistical Analysis
Predictive Analytics
Coding for Business
Susan Pan has been a member of the Carroll School of Management faculty since 2020, teaching courses on business statistics, predictive analytics, and coding for business. She has been passionate about data since an early stage in her career. She enjoys being an instructor in business analytics & applications, and helping others to use and appreciate data.
In her research, professor Pan has studied travel behavior, preferences, and the demand of aging Americans using multiple data sources, including both primary survey data and secondary large-scale travel and census data. She previously worked as an engineer and analyst at the Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Berkeley, where she helped deploy technology, conduct travel time surveys, and carry out various data analyses. She is always enthusiastic about teaching students how to extract useful information from data, how to present data, and how to use data to solve real world problems.
“Investigating aging Americans’ transportation options in the era of crowdsourcing: Questionnaire design and survey implementation through Amazon Mechanical Turk.” Research in Transportation Business & Management, 30, 100372. March, 2019.
“Evaluating traveler information effects on commercial and noncommercial users.” (With Asad Khattak.) Transportation Research Record, 2086 (1), 56-63. January, 2008.