Fulton Hall 410A
Email: paul.schmelzing@bc.edu
Economic History; Macro Finance; and Monetary Economics.
Paul Schmelzing is an assistant professor in the Seidner Department of Finance, focusing on macroeconomics and finance from a long-term historical perspective. His current projects include a book manuscript reconstructing trends in capital markets since the Renaissance, under contract with Yale University Press. In addition, Schmelzing is the co-author of the Metrick-Schmelzing Banking-Crisis Intervention Database, and currently works on paper projects in the area of monetary economics and asset pricing.
Schmelzing also holds an appointment as a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.
In addition, he is a One Bank visitor at the Bank of England, after serving as a visiting researcher at the BoE’s Research Hub from 2016 to 2021. Other academic experience includes appointments as a visiting fellow at the Hoover Institution (2017-2019), and as a research assistant for Carmen Reinhart and Kenneth S. Rogoff at Harvard. Outside of academia, Schmelzing's professional experience includes work at the German Bundestag's finance committee, Goldman Sachs' securities division in London, and at a global macro hedge fund.
He has developed a new course "Global Macro and the International Financial System," which he teaches at Boston College.
“Eight Centuries of Global Real Rates” Yale University Press, 1311-202.1.
“Banking-Crisis Interventions." (With Andrew Metrick.) National Bureau of Economic Research, 1257-2019. September, 2021.
“Long-Run Trends in Long-Maturity Real Rates.” (With Kenneth S. Rogoff and Barbara Rossi.) National Bureau of Economic Research. September, 2022.