Fulton Hall 432
Telephone: 617-552-0450
Email: juan.montes@bc.edu
Strategy; Strategy Implementation; Organizational Behavior; International Business; and Public Policy.
Professor Montes’ teaching and research focuses on strategy, strategy implementation, organizational Behavior (teams & decision-making), international business and public policy.
“Operating under high uncertainty: A field study of the role of routines, heuristics and breaking improvistions.” (With Fernando Suarez.) Presented at DRUID conference, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. June, 2014.
“Strategic Alliances: Managing partner relationships.” (With Africa Ariño.) Icade, 48. Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales de la Universidad Pontificia de Comillas. Madrid, España. September, 1999.
"Strategic Alliances: Let your alliances breathe.” (With Africa Ariño.) Harvard-Deusto Business Review. February, 2001.
“Complex Organizing: The case of climbing Mount Everest.” (With Jose Luis Alvarez.) Presented at the Seminar EISAM-London School of Economics, “Complexity and Organizations." Brussels. June, 1999.
“An evolutionary approach to organizing. Ethnography based on mount Everest expeditions.” IESE Business School, Spain. June, 2004.
“Myth and Logos: The Rhetoric of Organizing.” IESE Business School, Organizational Theory. 1994.
“Living on the Edge.” IESE Business School, Research Division, Strategy and Organizational Theory. 1999.
“Cognition on the edge.” IESE Business School, Research Division. Paper presented in the 7th Workshop on Managerial and Organizational Cognition, EIASM, Barcelona. June, 2000.
“The battle for control: The case of Enersis’ Acquisition.” Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Business School. Presented at the Ibero American Academy or Management Conference, Madrid. December, 1999.
Business Cases:
“McDonalds Ukraine, stay or leave.” (With With Yoo-Taek Lee and David Nersessian.) Boston University School of Manangement. International Business and Strategy.
“Farggi.” Barcelona Management Review. Nov 1997. Strategies for high growth; franchise.
“Data General: In the soul of the new machine.” IESE Research Division. 2000. Change management, organizational design, culture, leadership.
“Namhex.” (With Africa Ariño.) Cases A, B, C and D. IESE Research Division. 1998. Strategic alliance between Coca Cola and Nestle.
“Fede.” Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Business School. 2001. Rev 2009. Strategy, strategy implementation and control.
“Lan: Cloudy skies.” Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Business School. 2006. Strategy, strategy implementation, cognition and processes.
“Lan: Clear skies.” (B case). Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Business School. 2007. Strategy, strategy implementation, cognition and processes.
Teaching Notes:
“Negotiating Strategic Alliances.” IESE Research Division. 1998.
“Developing Strategic Alliances.” IESE Research Division. 1998.
“Managing Partner Relations." IESE Research Division. 1998.
“The Resource-Based View of the Firm Perspective." Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Business School. 2003.
“Economics of information." Universidad Adolfo Ibanez Business School. 2003. Rev 2007.