Fulton Hall 460C
Telephone: 617-552-2519
Email: john.gallaugher@bc.edu
Technology for Competitive Advantage; Entrepreneurship; Social Media; and Technology for Economic Development.
Professor John Gallaugher is an award-winning educator and author with expertise in strategic management, entrepreneurship, iOS app development, and maker/electronics programming. He has been named a "Distinguished Educator" by Apple Inc., a "Most Popular Professor" by Bloomberg Businessweek, and “Guru to Grads” by Entrepreneur Magazine, He has also received the Boston College Trzaska Faculty Leadership Award, the all-university Boston College Teaching Award, the Carroll School Teaching Award, and the student newspaper’s Momentum Award for campus impact. He has worked extensively with student entrepreneurs and has seen several former students raise capital, build thriving businesses, garner unicorn ($1 billion plus) valuations, and gain admittance to elite accelerator programs (e.g. Y-Combinator, TechStars). His bestselling IS textbook "Information Systems: A Manager's Guide to Harnessing Technology" has been used at over 450 universities, worldwide. He has taught on five continents and is founder of several field study courses, including the Boston College TechTrek programs. His research has been published in leading journals including the MIS Quarterly and Harvard Business Review, and he has consulted to leading organizations including Apple Inc., Accenture, ING, State Street, and the US Information Agency, among others.
Professor Gallaugher’s research has been published in leading outlets, including Harvard Business Review, and MIS Quarterly. Please visit his website for a current list of his publications.