Fulton Hall 442
Telephone: 617-552-1018
Email: gergana.nenkov@bc.edu
Consumer Finance; Sustainability; and Judgment and Decision Making.
Professor Gergana Y. Nenkov is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Boston College Carroll School of Management and is an award-winning marketing scientist and educator. Her research focuses on understanding the motivations behind suboptimal or irrational consumer choices, with the ultimate goal of developing methods to improve the consumer and firm decision-making processes in the domains of sustainability and consumer finance.
Professor Nenkov’s research has won two EBSCO Responsible Research in Marketing Awards (2022), the Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award at the Journal of Marketing (2020), the Franco Nicosia ACR Competitive Paper Award (2019), and was runner up for the Financial Times Responsible Business Education Award (2022) and the Paul E. Green Award at the Journal of Marketing Research (2023). She has been acknowledged as outstanding reviewer at the Journal of Consumer Psychology (2018) and an outstanding Associate Editor at the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science (2020).
Prof. Nenkov currently serves as an associate editor at the Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, and Journal of Sustainable Marketing and serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Consumer Psychology and Journal of Public Policy and Marketing. She is also an Affiliate Faculty member at the Schiller Institute for Integrated Science and Society.
Prof. Nenkov teaches Sustainable Behavior of Consumers, Firms, and Societies and Integrated Marketing Communications to undergraduates.
“Shifting Focus in the Fight Against Core Environmental Challenges.” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.
“Consumer Financial Vulnerability: Novel Insights for Theory, Practice, and Public Policy.” (With Linda Salisbury, Simon Blanchard, Ronald Hill, Alex Brown and Kelly Martin.) Journal of Marketing, 87 (5), 657-678. September, 2023.
“Friend or Foe? Can Anthropomorphizing Self-Tracking Devices Backfire on Marketers and Consumers?” (With Lane Peterson, Martin Mende, Maura L. Scott and Anders Gustafsson.) Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 51 (5), 1075-1097. December, 2022.
“I Will be Green for Us: When Consumer Compensate for Their Partner's Unsustainable Behavior.” (With Aylin Cakanlar and Hristina Nikolova.) Journal of Marketing Research, 60 (1), 110-129. February, 2023.
“We Succeeded Together, Now What: Relationship Power and Sequential Decision in Couples’ Joint Goal Pursuits.” (With Hristina Nikolova.) Journal of Marketing Research, 59 (2), 271-289. April, 2022. Franco Nicosia Award, Best Conference Paper, Association for Consumer Research Conference, 2019.
“How Industries Use Direct-to-Public Persuasion in Policy Conflicts: Asymmetries in Public Voting Responses.” (With Kathleen Seiders and Andrea Godfrey Flynn.) Journal of Marketing, 86 (2), 126-146. March, 2022.
“Improving Financial Inclusion through Communal Financial Orientation: How Financial Service Providers Can Better Engage Consumers in Banking Deserts.” (With Martin Mende, Linda Court Salisbury and Maura L. Scott.) Journal of Consumer Psychology, 30 (2), 379-391. April, 2020. Winner, AMA-EBSCO-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Marketing, 2022. Included in JCP’s Inaugural Virtual Special Issue: Consumer Psychology for a Pandemic: Insights in Finances, Scarcity, and Wellbeing, August 2020.
“Knowing What It Makes: How Product Transformation Salience Increases Recycling.” (With Karen Page Winterich and Gabriel Gonzales.) Journal of Marketing, 83 (4), 21-37. July, 2019. Distinguished Winner, AMA-EBSCO-RRBM Award for Responsible Research in Marketing, 2022. Winner, 2019 Marketing Science Institute/H. Paul Root Award.
“Sense and Sensibility: The Impact of Visual and Auditory Sensory Input on Marketplace Morality,” (With Maureen Morrin, Virginie Maille, Tracy Rank-Christman and May O. Lwin.) Journal of Business Research, 95, 428-441. February, 2019.
“The Case for Moral Consumption: Examining and Expanding the Domain of Moral Behavior to Promote Individual and Collective Well-Being.” (With Loureiro Komarova, Yuliya, Julia Bayuk, Stefanie Tignor, Sara Baskentli and David Webb.) Journal of Public Policy and Marketing, 35 (2), 305-322. September, 2016.
“Solving the Annuity Puzzle: The Role of Mortality Salience in Retirement Savings Decumulation Decisions.” (With Linda Salisbury.) Journal of Consumer Psychology, 26 (3), 417–425. July, 2016.
“Save Like the Joneses: How Service Firms Can Utilize Deliberation and Informational Influence to Enhance Consumer Well-Being.” (With Karen Page Winterich.) Journal of Service Research, 18 (3), 384-404. August, 2015.
“Using Consumer Responsibility Reminders to Reduce Cuteness-Induced Indulgent Consumption.” (With Maura L. Scott.) Marketing Letters, 27, 323-336. November, 2014.
“The Role of Hope in Financial Risk Seeking.” (With Martin Reimann, Deborah MacInnis and Maureen Morrin.) Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 20 (4), 349-364. December, 2014.
“Fluency in Future Focus: Optimizing Outcome Elaboration Strategies for Effective Self-Control.” (Kelly M. Haws and Min Jung Kim.) Social Psychological and Personality, 5 (7), 769-776. September, 2014.
“So Cute I Could Eat It Up”: Priming Effects of Cute Products on Indulgent Consumption.” (With Maura L. Scott.) Journal of Consumer Research, 42 (2), 326-341. August, 2014.