Fulton Hall 426A
Email: bess.rouse@bc.edu
ORCID 0000-0002-0728-7759
Creativity; Collaboration; Careers; and Identity
Prior to joining the Department of Management and Organization at Boston College in 2020, Rouse was an assistant professor of organizational behavior at Boston University. Her research focuses on collaboration at work, creative processes, and how creative workers psychologically attach to and detach from the products they make. Methodologically, much of her current research is inductive, qualitative, and process-focused in nature. Her articles have been published in various outlets including Academy of Management Journal and Academy of Management Review.
“Group flow: A theory of group member interactions in the moment and over time.” (With Raymond Lavoie and Markus Baer.) Academy of Management Review. 2024.
“Navigating the paradox of promise through the construction of meaningful career narratives.” (With Gregory Fetzer and Spencer Harrison.) Academy of Management Journal, 66 (6), 1896-1928. December, 2023.
“Positioning Research on Novel Phenomena: The Winding Road from Periphery to Core.” (With John Dencke, Marc Gruber, Toyah Miller and Georg von Krogh.) Academy of Management Journal, 66 (5), 1295-1302. October, 2023.
“The turn toward creative work.” (With Spencer Harrison, Colin Fisher and Teresa Amabile.) Academy of Management Collections, 1 (1), 1-15. August, 2022.
“Choreographing creativity: Exploring creative centralization in project groups.” (With Spencer Harrison.) Academy of Management Discoveries, 8 (3), 384-413. September, 2022.
“Using qualitative methods to generate divergence in creativity theory.” (With Michael Pratt.) In JIng Zhou and Elizabeth Rouse (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Creativity and Innovation, 309-329. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
“Navigating space for personal agency: Auxiliary routines as adaptations in toxic organizations.” (With William Kahn.) Academy of Management Journal, 64 (5), 1419-1444. October, 2021.
“Where you end and I begin: Understanding intimate co-creation.” Academy of Management Review, 45 (1), 181-204. January, 2020.
“Loosening categorical thinking: Extending the terrain of theory and research on demographic identities in organizations.” (With Judith Clair, Beth Humberd and Elise Jones.) Academy of Management Review, 44 (3), 592-617. July, 2019.
“The geography of strain: Organizational resilience as a function of intergroup relations.” (With William Kahn, Michelle Barton, Colin Fisher, Emily Heaphy and Erin Reid.) Academy of Management Review, 43 (3), 1-21. July, 2018.
“Beginning’s end: How founders psychologically disengage from their organizations." Academy of Management Journal, 59 (5), 1605-1629. October, 2016.
“Seeing you in me and me in you: Personal identification in the phases of mentoring relationships.” (With Beth Humberd.) Academy of Management Review, 41 (3), 435-455. 2016.
“An inductive study of feedback interactions over the course of creative projects.” (With Spencer Harrison.) Academy of Management Journal, 58 (2), 375-404. May, 2014.
“Let's dance! Elastic coordination in creative group work: A qualitative study of modern dancers.” (With Spencer Harrison.) Academy of Management Journal, 57 (5), 1256-1283. December, 2013.
“The relationship of job and elder caregiving involvement to work-caregiving interference, and work costs.” (With Judith Gordon JR.) Research on Aging, 35 (1), 96-117. January, 2013.