Fulton Hall 320C
Telephone: 617-552-3985
Email: andrey.malenko@bc.edu
Corporate Finance; Corporate Finance Theory
Corporate Finance; Corporate Governance; Auctions; Information Economics; and Organizational Economics.
Andrey Malenko is a professor in the Seidner Department of Finance at the Boston College Carroll School of Management. His research is in the areas of corporate investment and financing, corporate governance, and mergers and acquisitions, as well as auction theory and economics of information. His recent work has examined the optimal design of securities, regulation of shareholder voting, auctions of companies, and the role of institutional investors in corporate governance.
Malenko's work has been published in leading academic journals, such as American Economic Review, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Finance, Journal of Financial Economics, and The Review of Financial Studies. He is the recipient of the 2020 Brattle Prize for a distinguished paper in corporate finance in the Journal of Finance. He is a research fellow at the Centre for Economic Policy and Research, a research member at the European Corporate Governance Institute, and an associate editor at the Journal of Finance, The Review of Financial Studies, and The Review of Corporate Finance Studies.
Before joining Boston College, Malenko was on the faculty at the University of Michigan and Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Malenko received a Ph.D. in finance from Stanford University, and holds bachelor and master's degrees from New Economic School and the National Research University's Higher School of Economics in Moscow, Russia. He currently teaches MBA and Ph.D. courses in corporate finance.
“Corporate Governance Implications of the Growth in Indexing.” (With Alon Brav and Nadya Malenko.) Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Economics and Finance, forthcoming.
“Auctions with Endogenous Initiation.” (with Alexander S. Gorbenko.) Journal of Finance, forthcoming.
“Advising the Management: A Theory of Shareholder Engagement.” (With Ali Kakhbod, Uliana Loginova, and Nadya Malenko.) Review of Financial Studies, 36 (4), 1319-1363. April 2023. Editor’s Choice Article.
“Strategic Decisions in Takeover Auctions: Recent Developments.” (With B. Espen Eckbo and Karin S. Thorburn.) Annual Review of Financial Economics, 12, 237-276. 2020.
“Proxy Advisory Firms: The Economics of Selling Information to Voters.” (With Nadya Malenko.) Journal of Finance, 74 (5), 2441-2490. October 2019. Journal of Finance Brattle Group Prize for Distinguished Paper in Corporate Finance.
“Optimal Dynamic Capital Budgeting.” Review of Economic Studies, 86 (4), 1747-1778. July 2019.
“Selling to Advised Buyers.” (With Anton Tsoy.) American Economic Review, 109 (4), 1323-1348. April 2019.
“The Timing and Method of Payment in Mergers when Acquirers are Financially Constrained.” (With Alexander S. Gorbenko.) The Review of Financial Studies, 31 (10), 3937-3978. October 2018.
“Timing Decisions in Organizations: Communication and Authority in a Dynamic Environment.” (With Steven R. Grenadier and Nadya Malenko.) American Economic Review, 106 (9), 2552-2581. September 2016.
“A Theory of LBO Activity based on Repeated Debt-Equity Conflicts.” (With Nadya Malenko.) Journal of Financial Economics, 117 (3), 607-627. September 2015.
“Strategic and Financial Bidders in Takeover Auctions.” (With Alexander S. Gorbenko.) Journal of Finance, 69 (6), 2513-2555. December 2014.
“Investment Busts, Reputation, and the Temptation to Blend in with the Crowd.” (With Steven R. Grenadier and Ilya A. Strebulaev.) Journal of Financial Economics, 111 (1), 137-157. January 2014.
“Real Options Signaling Games with Applications to Corporate Finance.” (With Steven R. Grenadier.) Review of Financial Studies, 24 (12), 3993-4036. December 2011.
"Competition among Sellers in Securities Auctions.” (With Alexander S. Gorbenko.) American Economic Review, 101 (5), 1806-1841. August 2011.