Management and Organization

Learn how to manage human resources and effectively develop and implement strategies to promote growth and productivity in all types of organizations. Our courses prepare students for success in a wide range of industries by helping them develop critical skills in leadership, communication, design, and organizational development.


Fulton Hall 430| 617-552-0450

Judith Gordon, Chairperson

Michael Smith, Admin. Assistant

At a Glance

Develop the critical competencies for organizational success: leadership, communication, design, and organizational development.

Prepare for a wide range of career options including consulting, human resources, and ethics and policy roles.

Enjoy a relevant and flexible curriculum with numerous electives to choose from.

Undergraduate Programs

Management & Leadership Concentration

The Management & Leadership concentration will help develop and enhance your ability to lead and manage people and organizations. These skills are highly desired by virtually all potential employers, making the Management & Leadership concentration beneficial to all Carroll School undergraduates.


5 courses


Required Courses


Course #Course Name
Organizational Behavior


MGMT Elective Courses

Course #Course NameNotes
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.

Entrepreneurship Co-concentration

The Entrepreneurship co-concentration provides a strong background for launching and managing high-growth ventures in nascent or high-velocity industries. The curriculum introduces a set of tools and a way of thinking that will help students navigate the uncertain, ambiguous contexts that often characterize new initiatives in established firms as well as start-ups.


4 courses


Required Course(s)


Course #Course Name
MGMT2170Entrepreneurial Management

The 1-credit version of TechTrek is only required for the Class of 2025 and later. TechTrek is only offered in the Fall semester.

Course #Course Name


Course from this list


Course #Course NameNotes
MFIN2210Entrepreneurial FinancePrereq: MFIN1127 (Corporate Finance)
MGMT2139Social Impact & Entrepreneurship 
MFIN6602Venture CapitalPrereq: MFIN1127 (Corporate Finance)
ISYS/MGMT3315Managing Digital Innovation 


electives, either from the list above or from the following list

Course #Course Name
BSLW2604Law for the Entrepreneur
ISYS3178 /MKTG3178 Design Thinking and Strategy
MGMT2139Social Impact and Entrepreneurship
MGMT2143Idea Work: Making Things that Matter
MGMT2144Design-Driven Innovation Consulting
MGMT2175Thinking Strategically Integrative Strategy Simulation
MKTG3156Digital Marketing
MKTG3158Product Planning and Strategy
MKTG3170Entrepreneurial Marketing in a Digital World
UGMG1010Perspectives on Management
UNAS1025Innovation Through Design Thinking
BZAN2165Intro to Programming Using Swift for iOS App Development
BZAN2175Physical Computing - Interactive Art, Robotics, and Tech for Good

For more information, please contact the Shea Center for Entrepreneurship

Management & Leadership Minor (Class of 2025, 2026, 2027) 

This minor is for non-Carroll School students
A minor in Management & Leadership focuses on the behavioral side of management by offering courses designed to increase students’ knowledge of leadership and management and build skills in these areas.  


Required courses


Course #Course NameNotes
MGMT1021Organizational BehaviorSo. or Jr. Year
MGMT2127LeadershipSo. or Jr. Year



MGMT Electives

Course #Course NameNotes
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.

Management & Leadership Minor (Class of 2028 and Beyond) 

This minor is for non-Carroll School students
A minor in Management & Leadership focuses on the behavioral side of management by offering courses designed to increase students’ knowledge of leadership and management and build skills in these areas.  


Required courses


Course #Course NameNotes
ACCT1021Intro to Financial AccountingFr. or Jr. Year
MGMT1021Organizational BehaviorSo. or Jr. Year
MGMT2127LeadershipSo. or Jr. Year



MGMT Electives

Course #Course NameNotes
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.
MGMT ElectiveAny Management Elective View the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.
MGMT ElectiveAny Management ElectiveView the "Sample Management Electives" tab for offerings. Please note: not all courses are available each semester.

Sample List of Electives

Below is a sample list of electives available for undergraduate students. Additional courses may be added in the future. Please note, not all courses are available each semester. Please visit the Course Information and Schedule page in Agora for an up-to-date list of current offerings and prerequisites. 

Course #Course Name
MGMT2110Human Resources Management
MGMT2111Ethical Leadership Skills
MGMT2132Managing Change
MGMT2133Leading High Performance Teams
MGMT2137Managing Diversity
MGMT2139Social Impact and Entrepreneurship
MGMT2140 International Management
MGMT2141Power and Influence
MGMT2143Idea Work: Making Things That Matter
MGMT2170Entrepreneurial Management
MGMT2172Managerial Decision Making
Thinking Strategically Integrative Strategy Simulation
Leadership in Action: Lessons from Exploration and Adventure
Leadership and Corporate Accountability
MGMT2265Globalization, Culture, and Ethics
MGMT3099Strategic Management* (for minor only)
MGMT4901Independent Study 
MGMT5548/UNCP5548Capstone: Leadership and Mindfulness 

Full-Time Faculty

Our faculty are outstanding teachers and researchers who are recognized as leading scholars in their field and actively engage with students both inside and outside the classroom.  

Photo of Jean Bartunek

Jean Bartunek

Professor and Robert A. and Evelyn J. Ferris Chair

Fulton Hall 430C
Photo of Curtis Chan

Curtis Chan

Assistant Professor

Fulton 438
Photo of Judith Clair

Judith Clair

Professor and William S. McKiernan '78 Family Faculty Fellow

Fulton Hall 433
Photo of Vanessa Conzon

Vanessa Conzon

Assistant Professor

Fulton Hall 434
Photo of Robert Fichman
Fulton Hall 430B
Photo of Judith Gordon

Judith Gordon

Associate Dean for Teaching and Learning, Professor and Chairperson

Fulton Hall 430A
Photo of Raquel Kessinger

Raquel Kessinger

Assistant Professor

Photo of Agnieszka Kierner

Agnieszka Kierner

Visiting Associate Professor

Fulton Hall 448
Photo of Jamie Ladge

Jamie Ladge


Fulton 426B
Photo of Juan Montes

Juan Montes

Associate Professor of the Practice

Fulton Hall 432
Photo of Richard Nielsen
Fulton Hall 436
Photo of Pilar Opazo

Pilar Opazo

Assistant Professor of the Practice

Fulton Hall 424A
Photo of Jeremiah Potts
Fulton 426D
Photo of Michael Pratt

Michael Pratt

O'Connor Family Professor

Fulton Hall 424C
Photo of Benjamin Rogers

Benjamin Rogers

Assistant Professor

Fulton Hall 437
Photo of Bess Rouse

Elizabeth (Bess) Rouse

Associate Professor and Hillenbrand Family Faculty Fellow

Fulton Hall 426A
Photo of Richard Spinello

Richard Spinello

Professor of the Practice and Assistant Chairperson of the Management and Organization Department

Fulton Hall 430E
Photo of Njoke Thomas

Njoke Thomas

Assistant Professor

Photo of Tieying Yu

Tieying Yu

Associate Professor

Fulton Hall 452C

Our Students

Photo of Daniel  Lee  Daniel Lee Daniel Lee '23

Daniel Lee

Class of 2023

Photo of Daniel  Lee

Professor Tone Svetelj told me to look just outside of Higgins Hall where vibrant flowers of all colors flowed in the warm spring air, telling me that the present is always precious and passing. While I still maintain structure to my flow, after that day I stopped wasting time. If there is anything I want to do, I go for it.

Hometown: Cornwall-on-Hudson, NY

Concentration/major: Concentrations in Finance and Accounting

Activities: Consumer Insights Panel Lab Research Assistant, Carroll School of Management Peer Advisor, and Non-Profit Board Member, Communications Chair for AguaClara Reach

Formative Experience at BC: After one philosophy class I wanted clarification on the Confessions of Augustine by Saint Augustine of Hippo and my professor, Tone Svetelj, ended up giving me a thirty minute lecture on how one must go with the flow. He told me to look just outside of Higgins Hall where vibrant flowers of all colors flowed in the warm spring air, telling me that the present is always precious and passing. While I still maintain structure to my flow, after that day I stopped wasting time. If there is anything I want to do, I go for it.

Favorite class?: Organizational Behavior with Professor Jacob Brown. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the way people carried out their lives altered dramatically. Understanding the dynamics of a changing environment while living in the midst of many, our class worked in teams to analyze shifting organizational structures and how they could be improved during uncertain times. Emphasizing psychological safety and wellbeing all throughout that semester, this class reminded me to stop and look back once in a while and appreciate the process rather than stumble forward. To play off of this analogy, this class helped me walk with greater confidence.

BC in three words: Tranquil, charismatic, and serendipitous

Photo of Lubens  Benjamin Lubens Benjamin Lubens Benjamin ’23

Lubens Benjamin

Class of 2023

Photo of Lubens  Benjamin

Professor Salisbury created an inviting classroom atmosphere and empowered us to think critically.

Hometown: Cambridge, MA

Concentration/major: Concentration in Marketing with a double major in Philosophy

Activities: BC Big Brothers Big Sisters, APPA Volunteers, Kairos, Undergraduate Government of Boston College (UGBC), Orientation Leader, and Student Admission Program (SAP).

Formative Experience at BC: My most formative experience at BC has been having the opportunity to lead a Kairos retreat. The retreat gave me the time and space to think about all the different relationships in my life. I got to form genuine connections with my peers. Kairos helped me learn how to find the good in everyone I come across.

Favorite class?: My favorite class has been Customer Research and Insights for Marketing Decisions with Professor Linda Salisbury. I really enjoyed the hands on approach of the class. I learned marketing research skills that I know will benefit me in my future career path. I also got the opportunity to work on a team with my classmates to research a potential opportunity for the company of our choice. Professor Salisbury created a inviting classroom atmosphere and empowered us to think critically. 

BC in three words: Reflective, compassionate, and driven

Photo of Haoyi   Wang Haoyi Wang Haoyi Wang ’23

Haoyi Wang

Class of 2023

Photo of Haoyi   Wang

I feel comfortable going into the [Fulton Advising] office for anything. Whether it's help with course planning, career advice, or just life advice, I know I have people who care about me and who are looking out for me in the office.

Hometown: Farmington, CT

Concentration/major: Concentration Finance / Major: Studio Art

Activities: Investment Banking Association, Fulton Leadership Society

Formative Experience at BC: My most formative experience at BC has definitely been being a mentor for the IBA. As a mentee my sophomore year, this club, more specifically the seniors and alumni in this club made me realize the power of being a BC student. It made me realize how supported BC students are by their peers, their alumni, their professors, and overall the school. When I applied to be a mentor my junior year I knew I wanted to pay it forward, and it truly has been the most rewarding experience. It has not only

Favorite class?: My favorite class of all time at BC was Business Law with Professor Finucane. This class was by far one of the most engaging and formative academic experiences I have ever had. Not only did it change the way I approach learning, but also my confidence in voicing my opinions and beliefs in and out of the classroom. Professor Finucane employed real word examples to facilitate conversation and discussion. He encouraged equal participation in the class by prompting individual discussion topics. He also incorporated students into his stories and examples, which brought so much more energy to the three-hour-long night class. Overall, the class was beyond engaging and really shaped the student I am now.

BC in three words: Welcoming, Motivated, Supportive

Photo of Kevin Reardon Kevin Reardon Kevin Reardon '18

Kevin Reardon

Class of 2018

Photo of Kevin Reardon

It was actually through conversations I had with those involved with BC—particularly young alumni—that I became inspired to look into BC more and more. I eventually chose BC not only because of what they were saying, but also because of the way they were saying it.

Hometown: Wilmington, DE

Major/Minor: Accounting / History

Activities: Student Admissions Program, Residence Hall Association, Appalachia Volunteers, Various Intramural Sports 

What has been your most formative experience (so far)? When I came to Boston College, I was expecting to have very intense discussions about faith, spirituality, philosophy, and social justice in classroom settings, mostly through the core curriculum. However, something has surprised me greatly, and has absolutely been one of the most formative experiences I've had thus far, is that those conversations are not exclusive to classroom settings. It is not uncommon on campus to be asked questions that will challenge you and force you to be reflective during lunch or dinner with your friends in the dining hall, late at night with your roommates, or during one of your meetings for one of the clubs you're involved with. It's a really special community to be a part of. 

Your BC experience in three words: challenging, reflective, energizing

Photo of Kaitlin Ardiff Kaitlin Ardiff Kaitlin Ardiff ’18

Kaitlin Ardiff

Class of 2018

Photo of Kaitlin Ardiff

I had the opportunity to study abroad in Milan, Italy, through a partnership BC has with Università Bocconi. I’d never been to Europe before and I got to meet up with some classmates studying in Barcelona and Dublin—it was great to see the BC spirit, 3,000 miles away.

Hometown: Basking Ridge, NJ

Concentration/major: Information Systems, Computer Science

Activities: Women Innovators Network, Start@Shea, Computer Science Society, Smart Women Securities, intramural soccer

Favorite class?: TechTrek, where you travel to Silicon Valley and visit tech companies and experience that atmosphere—and what’s not to love about the free food? Just being there, I knew I definitely wanted to have a career in tech. And because of the great business skills and analytical skills I got from my other BC classes, I could easily see myself having a business role in one of those major tech companies.

Most formative experience: Serving on the executive boards of the Women Innovators Network and Start@Shea, which are pretty similar in that they’re trying to increase the reach of entrepreneurship on campus, to show that the tech business is not just a Carroll School thing and not just a male thing. Through both, I’ve gotten to host a lot of cool events, make connections with alumni, and find out what they’re doing in the real world.

Sample List of Employers






Goldman Sachs



Playbook Sports


Piper Sandler

Renaissance Medical Group

US Army

Study Abroad

students abroad
Immerse yourself in a different culture, discover aspects of your discipline and yourself, gain new perspective, and cultivate important contacts. 

News & Announcements

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Jamie Ladge

The professor of management and organization and colleagues were named distinguished winners of the 2024 Responsible Research in Management Award by Responsible Research in Business Management. The paper, titled "Sensemaking through the storm: How postpartum depression shapes personal work–family narratives,” was published in the Journal of Applied Psychology.

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"Devoted but Disconnected: Managing Role Conflict Through Interactional Control"

Vanessa Conzon, Assistant Professor of Management and Organization

Organization Science


 Ruthanne Huising, Essec Business School

"The ideal worker is represented as constantly available for work. However, an increasing number and variety of workers experience conflict between work and family demands. Research has identified numerous practices to manage this conflict with positive implications for non-work relationships, but the implications of these practices for work relationships remain unclear. How do efforts to manage role conflict affect workplace relationships? To examine this question, we draw on ethnographic data from 72 STEM workers across three organizations. We find that workers who experienced role conflict interpreted interactions in the workplace—often unpredictable in timing, frequency, and length—as a threat to fulfilling both their work and family roles on a daily basis. Thus, they controlled work interactions to make time for both work and non-work roles. However, interactional control limited their sense of workplace belonging and opportunities for resource exchange. In contrast, workers who did not experience daily role conflict encouraged interactions, allowing these encounters to expand across time. As a result, their work extended into evenings and weekends, and they experienced a sense of belonging and more regular resource exchange. We identify how interactional control practices manage role conflict but limit the development of workplace relationships. We also expand the repertoire of how devotion to work can be performed, identifying the occupied worker who expresses devotion through focused and efficient work and interactions rather than availability for work and interactions."

Read the Article

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Michael Pratt

The professor of management and organization was awarded the 2024 Distinguished Service Award from the Academy of Management’s Managerial and Organizational Cognition Division. The award was in recognition of Pratt’s 12 years of service with the professional association’s Reviewing in the Rough professional development workshop.

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A Hero's Journey

Benjamin Rogers and colleagues say that viewing your life as a “Hero’s Journey” could add meaning to it. The assistant professor of management and organization has been researching the effect that stories have on our lives and catching the attention of publications including Nautilus MagazineInc. Magazine, and Forbes.

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The Coughlin Distinguished Teaching Award

O’Connor Family Professor of Management and Organization Michael Pratt was recognized with the Coughlin Distinguished Teaching Award by the Carroll School.

U.S. News Logo

Populating the Top 20

The Boston College Carroll School of Management has continued its strong showing in national rankings—with no fewer than six academic departments and programs landing in the top 20 of their disciplines. That's according to U.S. News & World Report's annual survey of undergraduate schools of management in the United States. In the new compilation, the Carroll School also held steady at no. 30 overall, out of 516 participating business schools.

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