Cooking in Conversation brings faculty and students together to cook, connect, and share a meal. More than just a dining experience, this program fosters meaningful relationships, sparks intellectual discussions, and deepens academic and personal growth—all in a welcoming, hands-on setting. By preparing and enjoying food together, faculty and students build community and strengthen campus connections beyond the classroom.

Program Overview

The Cooking in Conversation initiative invites faculty and students to step beyond the classroom and engage in learning through a shared culinary experience. Cooking and dining together provide a unique opportunity for students to experience the curriculum in a new, dynamic way—one that fosters deeper intellectual discussions, personal reflection, and stronger community connections.

Just as gathering around a table brings people together, this initiative creates a space where students and faculty can share ideas, challenge perspectives, and learn from one another in an informal yet meaningful setting. It’s about more than just casual conversation; it’s about transforming the learning experience, fostering growth, and reinforcing the University’s academic and formative missions in an environment that encourages connection, dialogue, and discovery.

 We aim to create an environment where meaningful conversations can happen alongside the shared meals that also aligns with the University acadamic and formative missions. 

The Cooking in Conversation Kitchen is located in the Vanderslice Cabaret Room.

cooking in coversation


Putting the students outside of the classroom allows them to experience the curriculum in another way
Colleen Dallavalle, Associate Vice President, Student Engagement & Formation

Four Core Principles

Fostering Community

Enhancing the opportunities for faculty and students to build community & meaningful connections.

Growth & Development

To facilitate the development and academic growth of students through the cultivation of shared experiences with faculty and peers.

Remove Barriers

Remove barriers (logistical and transportation obstacles) that impede faculty participation in meal-based community development initiatives.

Ramen Pop Up dinner special meals in Walsh Hall function room photographed for Dining Services who hired Chris to photograph.
Ready to bring your students into the kitchen for a meaningful conversation? Faculty interested in hosting a Cooking in Conversation dinner can submit a request by completing the Cooking in Conversation Form.
Due to growing interest in the program, we ask that you submit your request at least 5 business days in advance of your desired date. Space is limited, but our team is happy to work with you to find an alternate date if needed.
Don't miss this opportunity to enrich your students' learning experience - sign up today! 

Frequently Asked Questions
