Residential Ministry staff work to support the spiritual, intellectual, and personal formation of those they encounter and accompany. Our Resident Ministers and Graduate Ministers serve as resources for our Resident Directors, Graduate Assistants, Resident Assistants, and undergraduate students. Residential Ministry Staff offer hospitality, opportunities for prayer, discussions around a variety of topics, and other engagements to build community in the halls.

Jessica Graf


Jessica Graf

Assistant Director, Residential Ministry

Three Pillars of Residential Ministry


Ministers seek to create a welcoming, inclusive, and affirming environment in the residence halls during all encounters that develop a sense of belonging for members of the community.


Ministers serve as conversation partners who invite, encourage, and journey with students and staff on their quest to engage in genuine and authentic dialogue with others.


Inspired by Christ, ministers encourage and assist individuals in learning about their own and other’s faith traditions and find meaning in their lives through the eyes of faith.


Resident Ministers (RM) are full time professionals or doctoral students at Boston College who also serve in this role, many of whom are also Campus Ministers. RMs can be Jesuits, ordained ministers, members of religious orders, or lay ministers who are assigned to and live within a residential community. The RMs serve as conversation partners and a pastoral presence for students and the residential staff in their community, offer hospitality and prayer opportunities within the halls, and serve in a 24-hour on-call rotation to respond to students in crisis and as requested. 

When interacting with students and staff, they are supporting the academic, social, and spiritual formation of those in their community. Many RMs are also an integral part of Catholic liturgies at St. Joseph's Chapel (Upper Campus), Trinity Chapel (Newton Campus), and St. Ignatius of Loyola Parish. Click here to see the daily mass offerings. The RMs are representatives of both the Office of Residential Life and Campus Ministry.

Eileen Corkery
Eileen Corkery
Newton Campus
Duchesne 235

Eileen Corkery

Eileen Corkery

Newton Campus

Duchesne 235

Campus Position: Assistant Director for The Church in the 21st Century Center

Fr. Casey Beaumier, S.J.
Fr. Casey Beaumier, S.J.
Claver, Loyola, Xavier, Fenwick
Fenwick 100

Fr. Casey Beaumier, S.J.

Fr. Casey Beaumier, S.J.

Claver, Loyola, Xavier, Fenwick

Fenwick 100

Campus Position: Vice President and University Secretary, Director of the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

Kayla August
Kayla August
Cheverus, Kostka, Medeiros
Cheverus 100

Kayla August

Kayla August

Cheverus, Kostka, Medeiros

Cheverus 100

Campus Position: Doctoral Student in Theology and Education

Javi Reyes Flores
Javi Reyes Flores
Fitzpatrick, Gonzaga, Shaw
Gonzaga 333

Javi Reyes Flores

Javi Reyes Flores

Fitzpatrick, Gonzaga, Shaw

Gonzaga 333

Campus Position: Service Center Representative, Clough School of Theology & Ministry

Megan Hopkins
Megan Hopkins
Roncalli, Welch, Williams
Roncalli 123

Megan Hopkins

Megan Hopkins

Roncalli, Welch, Williams

Roncalli 123

Campus Position: Doctoral Student in Comparative Theology


Sean O'Rourke
Sean O'Rourke
Vanderslice, 90 STM
90 STM 211

Sean O'Rourke

Sean O'Rourke

Vanderslice, 90 STM

90 STM 211

Campus Position: Master of Divinity student at the Clough School of Theology and Ministry

Taiga Guterres
Taiga Guterres
Walsh Hall
Walsh 300

Taiga Guterres

Taiga Guterres

Walsh Hall

Walsh 300

Campus Position: Managing Editor of Jesuit Educational Quarterly, Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies

Ellen Modica
Ellen Modica
Sixty-Six Comm. Ave
Sixty-Six 316

Ellen Modica

Ellen Modica

Sixty-Six Comm. Ave

Sixty-Six 316

Campus Position: Campus Minister for Catechesis

Michael James
Michael James
Voute, Gabelli
Gabelli 307

Michael James

Michael James

Voute, Gabelli

Gabelli 307

Campus Position: Lecturer, Educational Leadership and Higher Education

Jordan Parro
Jordan Parro
Ignacio, Rubenstein
Ignacio B65

Jordan Parro

Jordan Parro

Ignacio, Rubenstein

Ignacio B65

Campus Position: Doctoral candidate, Teaching Assistant in the Theology Department

Meghan De Dios
Meghan De Dios
Reservoir Apartments
Reservoir 1001

Meghan De Dios

Meghan De Dios

Reservoir Apartments

Reservoir 1001

Campus Position: Director of Continuing Education, School of Theology and Ministry

Fr. Michael Davidson, S.J.
Fr. Michael Davidson, S.J.
Thomas More Apartments, Greycliff
Thomas More Apartments 506

Fr. Michael Davidson, S.J.

Fr. Michael Davidson, S.J.

Thomas More Apartments, Greycliff

Thomas More Apartments 506

Campus Position: Director, Montserrat Coalition

Meghan Mogan
Meghan Mogan
Modulars/ Stayer Hall
Carney Hall 175

Meghan Mogan

Meghan Mogan

Modulars/ Stayer Hall

Carney Hall 175

Campus Position: Assistant Dean for Graduate Programs in Carroll School of Management, Student Services & Academic Advising

Tom Mogan
Tom Mogan
Modulars/ Stayer Hall
Stokes S132

Tom Mogan

Tom Mogan

Modulars/ Stayer Hall

Stokes S132

Campus Position: Interim Associate Dean, Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Greg Abbott
Greg Abbott
Messina College
South 6, Room 110

Greg Abbott

Greg Abbott

Messina College

South 6, Room 110

Campus Position: Graduate Assistant for Messina College in Campus Ministry, Masters student at the Clough School of Theology and Ministry

Graduate Ministers (GM) are given opportunities to work alongside the Assistant Director of Residential Ministry on programming, retreats, trainings, and overall assist with the continued education and development of staff and students within Residential Life around Jesuit and Ignatian pedagogy, spiritual development, and multi-faith education. The GMs serve as a resource and support to residents, Resident Assistants, Graduate Assistants, and professional staff on topics relating to student formation and development inspired by the three pillars of Graduate Ministry: hospitality, accompaniment, and faith. GMs will focus on the planning and execution of active programmatic efforts around the Jesuit Tradition portion of the Community Engagement Model, religious holidays, collaborate with on and off-campus partners to provide opportunities for individuals to partake in service, and attend religious service to focus on this aspect of diversity and inclusion.

Stephanie Zellner
Stephanie Zellner
First Year Area
Maloney 436A

Stephanie Zellner

Stephanie Zellner

First Year Area

Maloney 436A

| 617-552-4721

B.S., St. Joseph’s University

Current dual degree student, CSTM and SSW

Caitlin Gleeson
Caitlin Gleeson
Sophomore+ Area
Maloney 436A

Caitlin Gleeson

Caitlin Gleeson

Sophomore+ Area

Maloney 436A

| 617-552-4721

B.A., Providence College

Current dual degree student, CSTM and SSW

Austin Slade
Austin Slade
Upperclass Area
Maloney 436A

Austin Slade

Austin Slade

Upperclass Area

Maloney 436A

| 617-552-4721

B.A., Pensacola Christian College

Current M.T.S. student, CSTM

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