In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the Division of Student Affairs has collected and answered the following questions in reference to each of our departments. For ongoing COVID-19 community updates, please visit
General Questions:
Career Center
What do I do if I still need help with my job or internship search?
The Career Center will be offering all services remotely, including one-on-one career coaching appointments, drop-in coaching, and upcoming events (with some date changes). Check the Career Center website here for more details.
What is the status of Commencement?
A decision has not yet been made.
Disability Services
What about my disability related accommodations (in class and housing)?
Disability Services staff are working directly with Residential Life regarding any student who has been approved to stay on campus, and are reaching out to faculty on behalf of registered students. If students have issues or concerns, they should e-mail
What Libraries will be open and what will be the hours?
As of March 18, BC libraries have closed until further notice. Online services, including reference and databases, are still available. More information
Office of Graduate Student Life
Is Murray House open?
Murray House is currently closed and is not accepting space reservations at this time. however staff are still available to assist and speak with graduate students. Please contact them at and follow bc_ogsl on social media for program and service updates. The bi-weekly newsletter will resume on Sunday, March 29.
Is Grad Ball canceled? What about other programs?
All in-person Graduate Student Life, Murray House, and Graduate Student Association events, including Grad Ball, have been canceled. Students who purchased Grad Ball tickets will be contacted and issued refunds. More information regarding other programs and events will be shared by Graduate Student Life as it becomes available.
How will we transition graduate student organization and government leadership for next year?
Graduate Student Life will be in touch with current Presidents and Treasurers regarding plans for next academic year.
Should you need any assistance, please contact us at or 617-552-1855.
Office of Health Promotion
Are Health Coaching appointments available through the Office of Health Promotion?
Yes, we are able to offer Health Coaching appointments - schedule through our website for a time on Google calendar to have a tele-health meeting with a staff member or graduate student.
What if I have been sanctioned to complete Basics, Basics Booster, Substance Abuse or a Marijuana assessment?
The Alcohol and Drug Education Office will be conducting these sessions virtually during the semester. A staff person will be in touch shortly. Any questions, please contact Jeannine Kremer.
What if I want to talk with someone about my substance use?
ADE staff will continue to provide support and meet with students virtually. Please contact Jeannine Kremer.
Can I still participate in Let's Talk Health? What online health education resources exist?
Yes, visit our campaign page to participate in the monthly online challenges. March will focus on Let's Talk Mind with resources around mental health, stress, time, and resilience and April will focus on Soul with resources around relationships, social life, spirituality, and community.
What if I want to talk to someone about my food, body image or exercise concerns?
The University dietitian, Kate Sweeney, can provide support virtually. Students should contact If anyone is interested in being a Body Project facilitator for 2020-21, they can also contact Kate.
Office of Residential Life
How will the Room Selection for the 2020/21 academic year be impacted during the move out process?
The room selection process resumed on Wednesday, March 25. The Office of Residential Life sent an e-mail update to all students who are eligible to participate. If you should have any questions, reach out to
Information regarding summer housing will be communicated at a later date. Summer staff interviews, originally scheduled for March 23, are canceled. More information will be released at a later date regarding summer staff positions and interviews.
Office of Student Conduct
How does the code of conduct apply for issues that happen remotely?
The Student Code of Conduct applies to students both on and off campus. Behaviors that may constitute a violation of the Code of Conduct can be reported on the Office of Student Conduct website. The Office is able to have phone hearings and conversations with students.
Are Community Standards still in place?
Being a member of the Boston College community comes with the responsibility to act in accordance with all institutional rules and policies. The Student Code of Conduct exists to provide information on these behavioral expectations, and to articulate the process of addressing violations. All institutional policies will be enforced, and students are expected to adhere to those policies and be respectful to each other, staff, and faculty.
Office of Student Involvement (OSI)/Student Organizations
How will we transition club leadership for next year?
OSI will send forms to current eboard members outlining remote organization elections. OSI will connect with incoming student leaders to provide information and future communication to prepare for next academic year.
Will there be April elections for UGBC Senate?
No, senate elections will be conducted early in the Fall 2020 semester.
Do we have access to online platforms for hosting meetings, holding elections for student organizations digitally, and holding student e-board trainings?
OSI will provide online trainings for student org leaders, as well as guidance for elections. For meetings, we recommend that groups talk to each other via Google hangouts.
Office of Student Outreach and Support
What if I am in need of support services?
Staff in Student Outreach and Support Services will be available by phone and e-mail. If you are struggling and would like to be connected to resources or support, please e-mail:
Robsham Theater Arts Center
Will people who bought tickets to events that weren't able to happen through the RTAC Box Office be refunded?
Yes. The Box Office team has refunded all tickets.
University Counseling Services
What support will UCS offer to students?
UCS will be offering counseling services primarily through phone correspondence. Please read the complete UCS letter on updated services.
Additional resources include:
Strategies for coping with COVID-19 related anxiety
CDC Recommendations for Managing Stress and Anxiety
University Health Services
University Health Services will maintain their practice of being open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week, during the fall and spring semesters. This includes the availability of their infirmary for sick or post-operative patients in addition to nursing care after hours.
In response to COVID-19 concerns, UHS is requesting that all students call prior to going to UHS. This will allow students to speak to a nurse for triage, in order to assess whether an in-person visit or a video telehealth visit would be best. This also allows UHS to control the flow of students entering the center for services and to keep students with possible COVID symptoms separate from students being seen for other types of concerns.
As a reminder, UHS can see you for any medical condition, not just COVID-19. Some examples of services are: women's health, dermatologic procedures, and a complete phlebotomy lab for further analysis. A student can also be seen by one of three board certified sports medicine physicians on staff, all of whom also take care of Boston College athletics.
Women’s Center
Is SANet still available?
Yes. The SANet hotline will continue to be staffed 24/7 through the end of the semester. Services offered will continue as applicable.
Is the CARE Team still available?
Yes. The CARE Team will remain available to students. Students can request an appointment by sending an email to Meetings can take place via phone or Zoom, services offered will continue as applicable.
What if I need survivor resources and am not local to campus?
Both SANet and the CARE Team are available to work with students to identify and refer them to survivor resources in their specified locale.