What is Compass?

The Compass mentoring program is an intentional involvement where first-year AHANA+ students (people of African, Hispanic, Asian, Native American, and mixed descent) can connect with upperclass mentors, develop friendships, and gain a strong sense of community as they navigate their first semester at BC. 

Applications for Compass will be made available later.

Beginning your journey at Boston College is both exciting and challenging. Many of you are leaving home for the first time and are thrust into a new environment surrounded by students from across the country and the world. There are new expectations, new routines, new friendships, and so much more.

The Compass Mentoring Program serves our AHANA+ first-year community by providing intentional mentorship from upperclass leaders and fostering engagement throughout the AHANA+ community. Through Compass, AHANA+ first-year students (referred to in the program as Mentees) get a chance to learn from their mentors and their group members, participate in a Compass-wide retreat, weekly small group meetings, and other Compass events.

Mentees will get opportunities to:

  • Talk about their experiences at Boston College
  • Get connected with other AHANA+ resources on campus
  • Engage and build friendships with other diverse peers
  • Have two upperclass mentors
  • Have connection to the wider Compass and AHANA+ community

What is a Compass Mentor?

Compass consists of 20 mentors who help lead our 10 Compass mentoring groups throughout the Fall semester. They help serve as conversation partners and friends to a group of first-year AHANA+ students. Each leader is paired with a co-mentor to allow for collaboration and diversity of perspective and experience to help facilitate conversations for Compass Mentees.  Each co-mentor pair will meet weekly with their Compass group to have conversations around the AHANA+ student experience at BC.

What do I need to become a Compass Mentor?

  • Mentors must be rising juniors or seniors—junior mentors must not be studying abroad in the Fall semester.

  • Mentors must be interested in mentoring first-year students and be willing to share their own transition experiences and AHANA+ identity.

  • You do not need to have participated in Compass as a first-year to become a mentor.

Applications for Compass Mentor are currently open.

What is a Compass Intern?

Compass Interns are a group of 4 sophomore students that assist with programming and planning for Compass wide events and logistics. Interns work directly with Mentors and FYE staff in designing events and helping to improve the Compass experience for current first-year students.

What do I need to become a Compass Intern?

  • Interns must be second semester first-year students at their time of application for the role, which occurs in their sophomore year.

  • Interns must have participated in Compass their freshman year to apply for the position.

  • Interns must have a great attitude—positive, enthusiastic, cooperative, and willing to work very hard.

Applications for Intern positions are currently open.

Meet the Compass Lead Team

Photo of Alex Marmolejo '26 Alex Marmolejo '26 Alex Marmolejo

Alex Marmolejo '26


Photo of Alex Marmolejo '26

Hometown: Marin City, California

Academic Division: Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Major(s): Applied Psychology and Human Development

Favorite Involvements at BC: Arrupe and BC Bigs

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: The people are what make BC such a special place. Let Compass be one of the first of MANY families you find at BC.

Fun Fact: I’ve been to over 20 concerts and music festivals.

Photo of Eera Paranjape '25 Eera Paranjape '25 Eera Paranjape

Eera Paranjape '25


Photo of Eera Paranjape '25

Hometown: Needham, Massachusetts

Academic Division: Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Major(s): Applied Psychology and Human Development and Elementary Education

Favorite involvements at BC?:  MASTI (BC Bollywood fusion dance team) and APPA

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass to get advice from BC upperclassmen, make friends in my grade, and connect with the BC AHANA+ community!

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: AHANA+ freshmen should join Compass to get advice from BC upperclassmen, make friends in their grade, learn more about the BC AHANA community, and enjoy some support & community in their transition to BC!

Fun Fact: I performed with Flo Rida at Marathon Monday sophomore year!

Photo of Arianne Edwards '27 Arianne Edwards '27 Arianne Edwards

Arianne Edwards '27

Sophomore Intern

Photo of Arianne Edwards '27

Hometown: Queens, New York

Academic Division: Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Major(s): Applied Psychology and Human Development

Minor(s): Journalism

Favorite involvements at BC?: Lynch Senate and ERA

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I thought it would be a great way to meet new people who have similar experiences as me. I also valued mentorship and knew that having the opportunity to receive great advice and knowledge from upperclassmen would help me flourish during my first year of college.

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I chose to be an intern because I had a great experience as a Compass mentee and I would love to contribute to a community that helped me so much when I was getting acquainted to the college lifestyle.

Fun Fact: I'm really good arts and crafts, especially crocheting!

Photo of Dave Nelson '27 Dave Nelson '27 Dave Nelson

Dave Nelson '27

Sophomore Intern

Photo of Dave Nelson '27

Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Psychology & Film Studies on Pre-Med Track

Favorite involvements at BC?: Mendel Society and 4Boston

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass as a freshman because I wanted to connect with other minority students on campus. It was daunting being away from family, but Compass allowed me to start my new home here at BC.

Favorite part about Compass?: My favorite part about Compass is the various events held throughout the semester that allowed me to meet new people.

Fun Fact: I broke my hip when I was 16

Photo of Ella Song '26 Ella Song '26 Ella Song

Ella Song '26


Photo of Ella Song '26

Hometown: Bethesda, Maryland

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Political Science and English

Favorite involvements at BC?: The Heights Newspaper!

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass my first year because I wanted to find a community on campus!

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: A large part of my positive freshman experience was my Compass mentors! They gave me a safe space and were such great role models—I hope to have such a positive impact as a mentor.

Fun Fact: My elbows are double jointed

Photo of Ellie El-Fishawy '27 Ellie El-Fishawy '27 Ellie El-Fishawy

Ellie El-Fishawy '27

Sophomore Intern

Photo of Ellie El-Fishawy '27

Hometown: Los Altos, California

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Economics

Minor(s): Data Science

Favorite involvements at BC?: Taking photos for The Heights

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass to make the transition to BC a bit easier and join an open, inviting, and encouraging community.

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: AHAHA+ freshmen should join Compass in order to make meaningful connections, make campus feel a little bit smaller, and gain insight from likeminded students and upperclassmen

Fun Fact: I can juggle a soccer ball 1,343 times

Photo of Emily Moreno '26 Emily Moreno '26 Emily Moreno

Emily Moreno '26


Photo of Emily Moreno '26

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Academic Division: Connell School of Nursing

Major(s): Public Health and Sociology

Favorite involvements at BC?: Undergraduate Research Assistant and Club Ultimate Frisbee

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined because I wanted to find a community and get involved in the BC community.

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I remember how impactful my mentors were my freshman year with helping me establish connections and getting involved on campus and I want to be able to do the same for the incoming freshman

Fun Fact: I can only snap my fingers on my left hand

Photo of Emma Anane '25 Emma Anane '25 Emma Anane

Emma Anane '25


Photo of Emma Anane '25

Hometown: Hillsborough, New Jersey

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Neuroscience

Minor(s): Managing for the Social Impact and the Public Good

Favorite involvements at BC?: Tailgates/Football Games & Being on the E-board of STEM and Health Outreach for AHANA+ Students

Favorite part about Compass?: The opportunity to connect and learn about the experiences of my co-mentors and use our combined efforts to guide and empower the incoming class's experience at BC for their next four years!

Fun Fact: I studied German for 4 years!

Photo of Eugene Lee '27 Eugene Lee '27 Eugene Lee

Eugene Lee '27

Sophomore Intern

Photo of Eugene Lee '27

Hometown: Brooklyn, New York

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Chemistry

Minor(s): Philosophy & Finance

Favorite involvements at BC?: Student Admissions Program, Mixed Asian Student Association

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass because I strived to find a community of fellow AHANA+ students and find a way to get in touch with my identity and not be ashamed of my roots. By joining Compass, I was able to surround myself with fellow students of color and learn more about their perspectives and become a more well-rounded person.

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I chose to be a Compass Intern because of how much I loved my time in Compass! There was a strong sense of community and belonging and I can't imagine how my experience at BC would be if I never participated. As a Compass Intern, I can take initiative and allow the rising AHANA+ freshmen to have an even better chance at inclusion and transitioning.

Fun Fact: I'm a Boy Scout!

Photo of Eunice Lee '25 Eunice Lee '25 Eunice Lee

Eunice Lee '25


Photo of Eunice Lee '25

Hometown: Chatsworth, California

Academic Division: Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Major(s): Secondary Education & English

Minor(s): Cyber Strategy and Design

Favorite involvements at BC?: Women in Computer Science, Phaymus Dance Ent.

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I was excited to find a space for AHANA+ community at BC and to have an open space for discussion.

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: Compass is a space for AHANA+ freshman to learn to navigate BC culture and learn to be accepting of themselves and others. This is such a crucial part of becoming a successful student here, and Compass definitely supports that.

Fun Fact: I trained a squirrel.

Photo of Farrah Nivrose '26 Farrah Nivrose '26 Farrah Nivrose

Farrah Nivrose '26


Photo of Farrah Nivrose '26

Hometown: Brockton, Massachusetts

Academic Division: Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Major(s): Transformative Educational Studies & Applied Psychology and Human Development

Minor(s): International Studies

Favorite involvements at BC?: Haitian Association, BC Bigs

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined compass to meet new people and I wanted to have someone to ask millions of question to when I didn’t know the answer. Also having a group of people for emotional support or who can just share their own stories made me feel a little less alone.

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I wanted to be a Mentor because I look forward to having conversations and being a guide to upcoming freshmen. As a first generation student, I know how rocky it can be and was grateful enough to be in Compass and have mentors that helped me along the way.

Fun Fact: I’m fighting a sugar addiction

Photo of Fernando Leon Ruedo '25 Fernando Leon Ruedo '25 Fernando Leon Rueda

Fernando Leon Ruedo '25


Photo of Fernando Leon Ruedo '25

Hometown: Rogers, Arkansas

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Environmental Geoscience

Minor(s): Finance

Favorite involvements at BC?: Philippine Society of Boston College and Fuego del Corazon Latin Dance Team

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass as a freshman because I wanted to be involved in a mentoring group with other freshmen and be able to learn from upperclassmen.

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: AHANA+ freshmen should join Compass because it can be especially daunting to attend a PWI if you are used to higher levels of diversity wherever you're from. Compass offers a space to be able to talk with people your age as well as receive advice from someone who has been through similar feelings.

Fun Fact: I am originally from Mexico City!

Photo of Gabriele McWhorter '26 Gabriele McWhorter '26 Gabriele McWhorter

Gabriele McWhorter '26


Photo of Gabriele McWhorter '26

Hometown: St. Louis, Missouri

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Political Science

Minor(s): Film Studies + Finance

Favorite involvements at BC?: I love working Late Night at the Rat with the other student employees

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass as a freshman so I could find a sense of community early in my freshman year, as well as to have AHANA+ role model figures in my first semester at a PWI

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I chose to be a mentor because I was excited about the chance to help freshman AHANA+ students find their place at BC and believe in the opportunities BC offers.

Fun Fact: I've been a vegetarian for 8 years!

Photo of Isabella Bernaldo '26 Isabella Bernaldo '26 Isabella Bernaldo

Isabella Bernaldo '26


Photo of Isabella Bernaldo '26

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Linguistics

Minor(s): Inclusive Education

Favorite involvements at BC?: BLPP Tutoring through the BCNC and BC Bigs!

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I want to be a champion for the diverse members of our community and a mentor for all the challenges and joys that may bring to that facet of the BC experience. As a mentor, I hope to shed light on the realities of BC by sharing my experiences and also help freshmen build a strong foundation for their own experience at BC.

Fun Fact: My favorite author is Jhumpa Lahiri!

Photo of Jesenia Correa '25 Jesenia Correa '25 Jesenia Correa

Jesenia Correa '25


Photo of Jesenia Correa '25

Hometown: Austin, Texas

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Psychology

Favorite involvements at BC?: Eaglebridge, McGillycuddy Logue-Fellows

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I was coming from out-of-state and from a high school that had a large minority population, so I was nervous about attending a PWI and meeting people that I could relate to and I thought that the Compass program would help me find friends and make connections.

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: AHANA+ freshmen should join Compass because it will help you feel less alone during a difficult transitional time, and you can make friendships that will last your entire college career and onward.

Fun Fact: I have a cat in my dorm.

Photo of Kiana Ramos '25 Kiana Ramos '25 Kiana Ramos

Kiana Ramos '25


Photo of Kiana Ramos '25

Hometown: Springfield, Massachusetts

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Human Centered Engineering

Minor(s): Global Public Health

Favorite involvements at BC?: Student Research! Society for the Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americns in Science (SACNAS)!

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: Because it's going to be so fun!!! Compass is a really easy way to meet people and start to build your community on campus.

Fun Fact: I was born in Miami

Photo of Lily Wang Luo '25 Lily Wang Luo '25 Lily Wang Luo

Lily Wang Luo '25


Photo of Lily Wang Luo '25

Hometown: Novo Hamburgo, Brasil

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Psychology

Minor(s): Marketing & Studio Art

Favorite involvements at BC?: 4Boston and McMullen

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: To be in a community of other AHANA+ students that may share similar experiences when first adjusting to a PWI and being able have that support system from people that just fundamentally understand a key aspect of my identity

Favorite part about Compass?: The lasting connections I've made, even going into senior year. I love seeing my mentors when they are visiting and all the friends I made within our group.

Fun Fact: I can name all the countries in the world

Photo of Mano Koto '27 Mano Koto '27 Mano Koto

Mano Koto '27

Sophomore Intern

Photo of Mano Koto '27

Hometown: Kobe, Japan

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Economics

Favorite involvements at BC?: Japan Club of Boston College & all other Asian Culture Clubs!! So many fun activities with good food :)

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined the Compass program because, as an international Asian student at a predominantly white institution, I was looking to find a sense of community. I also wanted to become more involved in on-campus, first-year activities as a way to explore interests and find things to do outside of just academics as a college student.

Favorite part about Compass?: My favorite part of the Compass program was the mandatory one-on-one sessions with the other group members. These weekly meetings gave me something to look forward to and allowed me to learn from my peers and their diverse backgrounds. Not only did I feel like I found a friend and community within BC, it helped me break down the walls that freshmen often have, feeling scared to talk to new people. The mandatory nature of the sessions ensured I had the opportunity to genuinely connect with everyone in my group, making my adjustment to BC much smoother :)

Fun Fact: I went skydiving when I was 13

Photo of Matthew Lee '26 Matthew Lee '26 Matthew Lee

Matthew Lee '26


Photo of Matthew Lee '26

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Biology

Minor(s): Applied Psychology and Human Development

Favorite involvements at BC?: PULSE and Korean Student Association

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I decided to be a mentor to support the AHANA+ students at Boston College and help them transition to a new step of their journey! While taking the next step to enter college may be daunting, I want to help facilitate that for any incoming students!

Fun Fact: My first job was at an ice cream shop!

Photo of Michelle Frederic '27 Michelle Frederic '27 Michelle Frederic

Michelle Frederic '27

Sophomore Intern

Photo of Michelle Frederic '27

Hometown: Everett, Massachusetts

Academic Division: Carroll School of Management

Major(s): Finance

Minor(s): Computer Science & English

Favorite involvements at BC?: Black Biz @ BC

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I wanted to find a sense of community with other POC freshman.

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: AHANA+ freshmen should join Compass because the mentors are the best and they will be able to meet so many other AHANA+ freshmen and create incredible bonds.

Fun Fact: I rode and fell off a mule when I went to Haiti!

Photo of Michelle Kim '25 Michelle Kim '25 Michelle Kim

Michelle Kim '25


Photo of Michelle Kim '25

Hometown: Queens, New York

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Biology

Minor(s): Environmental Studies

Favorite involvements at BC?: APPA

Why did you choose to be a mentor?: As a mentor, I hope to be an on-campus "older sister" and provide a space for freshmen to make connections with others and learn what it means to be a BC student!

Fun Fact: I have a pet bearded dragon named Happy!

Photo of Natalia Maldonado '25 Natalia Maldonado '25 Natalia Maldonado

Natalia Maldonado '25


Photo of Natalia Maldonado '25

Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Neuroscience

Minor(s): Global Public Health and the Common Good

Favorite involvements at BC?: APPA and all the mentoring programs!

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: Coming from a small school in Puerto Rico, I knew everyone in my classes. Since BC was a middle-size campus, I was scared that I wasn't going to fit in and feel overwhelmed with the amount of students. So, I wanted to join a community where I could have conversations beyond the superficial level, and Compass was the perfect program for it.

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I had a rough transition from high school to college and my Compass group and mentors made me feel at peace and welcomed. To show my gratitude for how the program has benefited me, I want to be there for incoming freshmen and their transition into college.

Fun Fact: Because of how short I am, I can easily lie about my age and get free stuff!!

Photo of Nino Requieron '25 Nino Requieron '25 Nino Requieron

Nino Requieron '25


Photo of Nino Requieron '25

Hometown: Fontana, California

Academic Division: Connell School of Nursing

Major(s): Nursing

Favorite involvements at BC?: Philippine Society of Boston College (PSBC)

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I chose to be a mentor because I find a lot of joy in being able to guide others and utilize my own experiences to assist underclassmen whether they can relate to those experiences or not. Additionally, mentorship is a great opportunity to teach someone while simultaneously learning unexpected things from them.

Fun Fact: I was in a famous YouTubers vlog once (when they were more relevant).

Photo of Noe Martinez '25 Noe Martinez '25 Noe Martinez

Noe Martinez '25


Photo of Noe Martinez '25

Hometown: Los Angeles, California

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Economics

Favorite involvements at BC?: Organization of Latin American Affairs (OLAA)

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: AHANA+ freshmen should join Compass to meet other freshmen that are different than you. Part of coming to college involves stepping out of your comfort zone and meeting people from diverse backgrounds. Compass is a great place to begin.

Fun Fact: My favorite color is Orange!

Photo of Omar Tall '26 Omar Tall '26 Omar Tall

Omar Tall '26


Photo of Omar Tall '26

Hometown: Jersey City, New Jersey

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Computer Science

Favorite involvements at BC?: Muslim Student Association

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass to find a community of people that I can relate to on a deeper level of racial and socioeconomic status.

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: Joining Compass would mean having a second family away from wherever home is for you. I've made connections here that I'll remember for the rest of my life and that experience alone is worth it.

Fun Fact: My last name is Tall and I am 6'2". I am forever grateful that I wasn't born short.

Photo of Punnya Kalapurakkel '25 Punnya Kalapurakkel '25 Punnya Kalapurakkel

Punnya Kalapurakkel '25


Photo of Punnya Kalapurakkel '25

Hometown: Brighton, Massachusetts

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Communications & Psychology

Favorite involvements at BC?: The Heights Newspaper

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I wanted a space to speak to other students of color while navigating my transition to a PWI.

Favorite part about Compass?: I loved getting to meet the people in my group and have familiar faces on campus. It really helped me to ground myself and process my own growth with other people who could relate to my experience.

Fun Fact: I was born two days after Christmas.

Photo of Roman Roy '26 Roman Roy '26 Roman Roy

Roman Roy '26


Photo of Roman Roy '26

Hometown: Fitchburg, Massachusetts

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Mathematics

Favorite involvements at BC?: Intramural basketball. I’ve enjoyed having the opportunity to play alongside of and even compete against my friends.

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: AHANA+ freshman should join Compass because it is a great opportunity to meet new people and learn from those who managed to find ways to navigate through a new and perhaps threatening environment.

Fun Fact: I once ate 16 s'mores flavored pop tarts in one sitting because my friend didn’t believe I could do it.

Photo of Ryan Kim '25 Ryan Kim '25 Ryan Kim

Ryan Kim '25


Photo of Ryan Kim '25

Hometown: Ridgefield, New Jersey

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Sociology

Minor(s): Finance

Favorite involvements at BC?: Korean Students Association

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I’ve been so lucky throughout my years at BC where clubs and mentors have given me so much. Compass gives me a chance to pay everything forward and being an AHANA+ student is definitely a big part of my experience at BC so I want to help freshman feel comfortable during their first year here.

Fun Fact: I am an Indiana Pacers fan.

Photo of Shelsey Hernandez '27 Shelsey Hernandez '27 Shelsey Hernandez

Shelsey Hernandez '27

Sophomore Intern

Photo of Shelsey Hernandez '27

Hometown: Waukegan, Illinois

Academic Division: Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Major(s): Elementary Education

Favorite involvements at BC?: BC F1rst

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I wanted to make sure I had a community as soon as I arrived on campus. It can be intimidating to be in a place without knowing anyone, so I wanted to have a welcoming space for my first semester.

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I want to provide the same support to others as I received for my freshman year. I want the incoming class to have events to look forward to.

Fun Fact: I am a first generation student.

Photo of Tannya Gallegos '27 Tannya Gallegos '27 Tannya Gallegos

Tannya Gallegos '27

Sophomore Intern

Photo of Tannya Gallegos '27

Hometown: La Habra, California

Academic Division: Lynch School of Education and Human Development

Major(s): Applied Psychology & Political Science

Favorite involvements at BC?: Ascend and going to hockey games!

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I joined Compass to make friends and receive advice on how to navigate my first semester of freshman year!

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: I loved the Compass events that the interns created! These special events meant a lot to me because they really showed me that AHANA+ students were appreciated and supported at BC.

Fun Fact: I really really hate cheese!

Photo of Temidayo Eniola '26 Temidayo Eniola '26 Temidayo "TJ" Eniola

Temidayo Eniola '26


Photo of Temidayo Eniola '26

Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria

Academic Division: Carroll School of Management

Major(s): General Management

Minor(s): African and African Diaspora Studies

Favorite involvements at BC?: African Student Organization (ASO)

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: I wanted to find a community of AHANA students on campus.

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: New connections, finding your community etc. Its a good gateway into greater things as an AHANA+ BC student.

Fun Fact: I have 3 years of grappling martial arts experience.

Photo of Warren Lin '25 Warren Lin '25 Warren Lin

Warren Lin '25


Photo of Warren Lin '25

Hometown: Arcadia, California

Academic Division: Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences

Major(s): Chemistry

Minor(s): Biology

Favorite involvements at BC?: Undergraduate Research, BC Bigs

Why did you join Compass as a freshman?: Given the transition of college, I was looking for communities that would resemble home. I wanted to also meet people of similar backgrounds.

Why did you choose to be a mentor or intern?: It was super rewarding to see the growth of my mentees last year and I want to experience that again.

Fun Fact: I am allergic to peaches.

Photo of Zoe Reddick '26 Zoe Reddick '26 Zoe Reddick

Zoe Reddick '26


Photo of Zoe Reddick '26

Hometown: Las Vegas, Nevada

Academic Division: Carroll School of Management

Major(s): Finance & Accounting

Minor(s): Philosophy

Favorite involvements at BC?: Bowman Advocate and Investment Club

Why should AHANA+ freshmen join Compass?: If I could go back and do one thing as a freshmen it would be to join this program. It is helpful to see yourself represented and have a group of people that you can count on that might have been through a similar experience.

Fun Fact: I previously went to Boston Ballet, and have been dancing since I was 1.