School Notes
Date posted: Sep 14, 2020
The long-awaited English translation of "The Life, Passion, and Death of the Jesuit Rutilio Grande" by Rodolfo Cardenal, S.J., was published by Jesuit Sources this fall.
This authoritative biography of Rutilio Grande, S.J. (1928–1977) should be of special interest to English-speaking readers (and particularly English-speaking Jesuits) in this age of polarization in both civil society and church community. The author, Rodolfo Cardenal, is a Jesuit historian who knew Rutilio Grande and began writing the biography soon after the 1977 killing. For over four decades Rodolfo Cardenal has lived and worked in the martyrial context of El Salvador, where, in addition to the writing of the biography, he carefully prepared the documentation for the beatification cause.