“Don’t call me a saint…,” Dorothy Day once quipped, and some are happy to oblige. They wonder why Dorothy’s cause for canonization is moving forward. After all, how can a spitfire, twentieth-century social activist, who participated in labor strikes, protested war and abortion, went to prison, and complained that the Church wasn’t paying enough attention to its own teachings be listed alongside holy mystics and contemplatives?
Even decades after her death, Dorothy remains an enigma. We can’t easily pigeonhole her, either as an activist, a liberal, a conservative, a Democrat, a Republican, or a libertarian. Those on the political left balk at her condemnation of abortion and contraception, and her unwavering devotion to the Church. Those on the right chill at her socialist sympathies, her anti-war stance, and her pre-conversion abortion.
Yet as Cardinal Timothy Dolan announced at a gathering of bishops, “I am convinced [Dorothy] is a saint for our time. She exemplifies what’s best in Catholic life, that ability we have to be ‘both-and’ not ‘either-or.’”
In Dorothy’s view, the Church’s social teachings form a complete, indivisible package. We have only two choices: either we accept the whole gift or we reject it all. The only thing we can’t do is fragment it, taking it piecemeal and dismissing those parts that conflict with our political or social views. To paraphrase St. Augustine, “If you believe what you like in Catholic Social Teaching, and reject what you don’t like, it is not Catholic Social Teaching you believe, but yourself.”
Dorothy’s coherent devotion to Catholic Social Teaching makes her a bridge between different groups in the Church. Crux editor John Allen Jr. observes, “The Church at the grass roots in the United States has been badly splintered into a kind of peace-and-justice crowd on the left and a pro-life crowd on the right. Day is one of those few figures who has traction in both those groups.”
So who was Dorothy Day? Dorothy was born on November 8, 1897. She was raised in a non-religious home and quickly developed a keen sense of poverty and suffering. Her family lost almost everything in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and, after moving to Chicago, she frequented the depressed streets of the West Side. Those experiences crystalized her life’s calling. Walking the streets, and pondering the poor, she sensed a desire to live alongside them: “From that time on my life was to be linked to theirs, their interests would be mine: I had received a call, a vocation, a direction in life.”
I am convinced [Dorothy] is a saint for our time. She exemplifies what’s best in Catholic life, that ability we have to be ‘both-and’ not ‘either-or.’
After converting to Catholicism in 1926, and participating in many protests, pickets, and activist campaigns, Dorothy co-founded the Catholic Worker newspaper with the itinerant French philosopher Peter Maurin. The partners intended the paper to explain Catholic Social Teaching in accessible language, using stories, poems, and essays in order to inspire laymen, clergy, and even bishops to cultivate a society where it was “easier to be good.” Day and Maurin marketed the paper to working men and women, selling it near factories and bustling town squares for just one penny, the same price it remains today. Within six months they were printing over 100,000 copies.
What started as the effort of a newly converted laywoman and a French radical soon became a movement. The newspaper blossomed into Catholic Worker communities and houses all over the world, which to this day center themselves on hospitality, non-violence, workers’ rights, and solidarity with the poor.
Alongside her activism in support of the poor, Dorothy also displayed an intense spiritual commitment. Each day she attended Mass, prayed her Rosary, and prayed the divine office. She staunchly opposed contraception and abortion, neither of which were popular positions in the mid-twentieth century. She regularly credited the intercession of saints and her reliance on the Mystical Body of Christ for any success she had.
For Dorothy, worshiping God and serving the poor were intertwined. Right worship leads to right service. She was unashamed of seeing the world’s problems through a Catholic lens: “If I have achieved anything in my life,” she once remarked, “it is because I have not been embarrassed to talk about God.”
In our hyper-polarized world, where many of us identify as conservative or liberal, “pro-life” or “peace and justice,” spiritual or active, may we learn from Dorothy Day to embrace Catholic life as a whole, to become both/and Catholics who assimilate all that is good and praiseworthy.
Brandon Vogt is the senior publishing director for Bishop Robert Barron’s Word on Fire Catholic Ministries, a bestselling author, and founder of ClaritasU and Chesterton Academy of Orlando.
This article was originally published by WordOnFire.org (November 10, 2014), is adapted from the author’s book, The Saints and Social Justice: A Guide to Changing the World (Our Sunday Visitor, 2014), and is reprinted with permission.
Dorothy Day’s spirituality is marked by these characteristics:
Love of Scripture: Throughout her life, Dorothy received comfort and inspiration from the Bible, especially the Psalms, the Pauline writings, and the Gospels. They were part of her daily meditation, and scripture verses and images spontaneously wove themselves into her writings. The example and teachings of Christ were at the heart of her spirituality.
Solidarity with the Poor: In the Catholic Worker community, Dorothy shared her daily energies with and on behalf of poor people. Her writings, direct practice of the works of mercy, and her own voluntary poverty bound her to poor, homeless, sick, and desperate people.
Personalism: Dorothy loved doing works of mercy because they allowed her to take direct and immediate action for her brothers and sisters in Christ and against the ills of society that robbed them of their life, freedom, and dignity. Her engagement with other people flowed from her wholeness as a person; her heart and mind were cultivated through her reading, reflection, conversations, writing, and worship. She wanted the fullness of life for herself and every person.
Prophetic Witness: By her public words and work, Dorothy sought to imitate Christ’s witness against injustice, even when such witness seemed folly. Like Christ, she was critical of the powers and structures of injustice and endured ridicule and opposition for her witness.
Peacemaking: A steadfast pacifist, Dorothy opposed all wars and the use of force and violence to solve human problems. She practiced and promoted human dignity with the spiritual weapons of prayer, fasting, almsgiving, civil disobedience, and works of amendment. Like Jesus, the woman at the well, and Saint Paul, she took her message to the people in the streets.
A Sacramental Sense: Dorothy looked to sacramental celebrations, especially the Eucharist, for daily spiritual sustenance, and she saw the world, its people, and all of nature to be full of God’s grandeur and love as well.
Gratitude: In good times and in bad, Dorothy had a keen sense of appreciation and learned to trust in the providence of God. Dorothy regularly expressed gratitude not only to God but to those around her and to the Catholic Worker’s readers.
This excerpt was originally published in the introduction to Praying with Dorothy Day (Word Among Us Press, 1995) by James Allaire and Rosemary Broughton and is reprinted with permission.