Boston College has launched a second survey of its faculty and staff to gain a better understanding of the work climate and overall professional experiences of all University employees.

The Faculty & Staff Experience Survey, co-commissioned by the provost and dean of faculties and vice president for human resources with the assistance of the vice president for institutional research, planning, and assessment, was emailed to employees in late February to measure their experiences within the work environment at Boston College.

David Trainor

Vice President for Human Resources David Trainor (Lee Pellegrini)

The triennial survey, which is a follow-up to the original Faculty & Staff Experience Survey launched in October of 2015, will solicit feedback from faculty and staff on a range of topics, and enable BC employees to anonymously share their experiences with the goal of enhancing overall employee satisfaction.         

Vice President for Human Resources David Trainor said the survey is an extension of the University’s commitment to assisting employees in their professional development. 

“Boston College has a longstanding culture of planning and assessment that helps to inform its managerial decisions,” said Trainor. “This survey, which identifies areas of strength and areas that require greater support, is an important tool for determining priorities regarding the development of our employees.”   

The survey is offered confidentially to more than 3,000 BC faculty, staff, and administrators, both online and through a paper version for employees without access to computers. Additionally, the survey is available in Spanish, Portuguese, and Chinese. It should take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. The deadline for competion is April 5. The results of the survey will be disseminated to the University community in the fall of 2019. 

Trainor says that Boston College is committed to hosting a Faculty & Staff Experience Survey every three years in an effort to help members of the BC community to thrive professionally.

“I have always believed in the value of surveys to help shape professional outreach efforts,” said Trainor.  “We are committed to making the BC work experience as satisfying as possible for all of our employees.” 

—University Communications | March 2019