Dear Members of the Boston College Community:

The University is closely monitoring information related to the Coronavirus. The Centers for Disease Control considers the risk of this disease in the United States to be low at this time.

University officials have been in contact with City of Boston and Commonwealth of Massachusetts public health officials, and will continue to follow their guidance.

The incubation period for the Coronavirus is two weeks. Students, faculty, or staff who have travelled to or from China more than two weeks ago and are not ill have no cause for concern.

Individuals who have travelled to affected areas in China (Wuhan or the Hubei Province), or who believe they may have been in contact with an infected person, should monitor their health and contact their primary care physician or University Health Services.

Because we are in the midst of the traditional flu virus season, many campus practices to safeguard the health of students, faculty, and staff are already in place. Staff from BC Housekeeping and Dining Services routinely disinfect touch-points – such as switch panels, faucets, doorknobs and handrails – throughout campus. Similarly, the Coronavirus is effectively treated with standard cleaning products.

We encourage students and all members of the BC community to continue to take the standard, recommended precautions to prevent the spread of flu-like illness:

•        Wash hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
•        Frequently clean touch surfaces, including cell phones, laptops, and keyboards.
•        Avoid sharing food utensils, containers, and other personal items.
•        Students registering a fever of more than 100.4 F should visit University Health Services.

In addition, it is not too late to receive this year’s flu vaccine.

For the latest updates on the Coronavirus or the flu, please visit the Centers for Disease Control website. Additional information is available at the University Health Services website. More CDC information about travel-related advisories can be found the CDC website.

Thank you for your assistance in helping to maintain a healthy campus.


Thomas Nary, M.D.
Director, University Health Services
January 30, 2020

(Updated February 2, 2020)