In Focus

Our leading faculty and scholars are dedicated to finding solutions to the world's most complex problems.

More BC Research

Urban Science Education 

Michael Barnett

In Professor Michael Barnett's urban agriculture program, high school students hone their science skills, provide underserved populations with healthy alternatives, and reform local food systems. 

Extreme Space Weather

Patricia Doherty

Institute for Scientific Research director Pat Doherty brought together 150 of the world’s leading scientists for a U.N./U.S. workshop to a develop an international policy to address space weather.

Morality Lab

Liane Young

How do we know right from wrong? Undergraduates work alongside Associate Professor of Psychology Liane Young to investigate the science behind decision-making in her Morality Lab.

Gasson in a ball

Start @ Shea

The student executive team of the Edmund H. Shea Jr. Center for Entrepreneurship inspires and engages students to make their ideas happen.

More About Start @ Shea

Companies launched by Boston College students or alumni in the past decade have garnered more than $100 million in venture backing.

Joycestick: The Gamification of 'Ulysses'

We look at VR as the ultimate empathy machine, in that we don’t simply want to excite the readers – the viewers – but to move them to engage them with the emotions and events in the book.
Associate Professor Joseph Nugent


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