- The laboratory houses a MindWare ( system, with an 8-slot Bionex box that was upgraded to the latest hardware. This system enables collection of ECG, EMG, GSC, and impedance cardiography. The features of this system include:
- Modular design allowing modules to be interchanged between mainframes.
- Synchronous audio/video recording to .mpg (with A/V option)
- 16 bit A/D conversion
- Communication via USB 2.0 high speed format
- Digital input and output triggering
- 16 lines of synchronous digital input (sampled at analog rate)
- In line event detection, real time event log
- Online filtering and transforms (software)
- Our system includes the Biolab Acquisition and Analysis software which includes real time event logs, user-defined event coding, triggering modes, real time preview, scaling, filtering, and wavemath, and the ability for simultaneous playback of all acquired channels and video.