Telling the Boston College Story

Telling the University's stories is at the heart of what we do. University Communications keeps you up to date on Boston College news and events through its print and digital media platforms including the Boston College Chronicle, BC Update, BC News, and Boston College's primary social media channels.

Our news team of writers, editors, media relations, and social media professionals uses a strategic approach to determining the most effective way to reach University audiences, from students, faculty, and staff to alumni, parents, friends, influencers, external media, and the general public.

Our media relations team conveys University news and information, as well as the expertise and insights of Boston College faculty on issues of the day, to local, national, and international print, broadcast, and online news media.

OUC also responds to external media requests for information, interviews, or campus access, and, through the University Spokesperson, provides the official Boston College response to inquiries where appropriate.

BC Update

BC Update

Nearly every day, faculty, staff, and administrators find our UPDATE e-newsletter in their inboxes. UPDATE contains selected news items about BC, as well as other news relevant to the field of higher education. 


Connecting Campus

BC Bookmarks Blog

Literary news from the Boston College community

The Heirloom  Link to article
The Heirloom (G.P. Putnam’s Sons/Penguin Random House, 2024) is a new novel written by 2005 Boston College graduate Jessie Rosen. A marriage proposal with an heirloom engageme...
May 30, 2024
Plymouth, MA and Columbia, MO  Link to article
Stephen Paul Sayers, a 1988 Boston College graduate, pays homage to two of his favorite locations in the United States in the travel books, 100 Things to Do in Columbia, MO Be...
May 28, 2024
The Constitutional Bind  Link to article
The United States Constitution occupies a quasi-mythical status in American political culture, according to Boston College Law Professor Aziz Rana, whose new book argues that ...
May 22, 2024

Meet the Team

Jack Dunn
Jack Dunn
Associate Vice President, University Spokesman
Jack Dunn

Jack Dunn

Associate Vice President, University Spokesman

Patti Delaney
Patti Delaney
Senior Director
Patti Delaney

Patti Delaney

Senior Director

Ed Hayward
Ed Hayward
Senior Associate Director,
Media Relations
Ed Hayward

Ed Hayward

Senior Associate Director,

Media Relations

Phillip Gloudemans
Phillip Gloudemans
Associate Director
Phillip Gloudemans

Phillip Gloudemans

Associate Director

Kathy Sullivan
Kathy Sullivan
Senior Media Relations Officer
Kathy Sullivan

Kathy Sullivan

Senior Media Relations Officer

Rosanne Pellegrini
Rosanne Pellegrini
Senior Media Relations Officer
Rosanne Pellegrini

Rosanne Pellegrini

Senior Media Relations Officer

Sean Smith
Sean Smith
Editor, Boston College Chronicle
Sean Smith

Sean Smith

Editor, Boston College Chronicle

Alix Hackett
Alix Hackett
Senior Digital Content Writer
Alix Hackett

Alix Hackett

Senior Digital Content Writer