Why study abroad?
Online 'eNav' sessions help students examine study-abroad plans within the context of the University’s Jesuit mission.
"eNav" is a series of virtual sessions aimed at helping BC students navigate their study abroad journey within the context of our University’s Jesuit mission, which was first launched in 2020. Discussions revolve around how study abroad fits into your major, students' identity while abroad, affordability, and discerning. "eNav" is a collaborative effort organized by a wide array of departments and offices at Boston College, under the direction of the Office of International Programs.
This year, we plan to host a series of virtual and in-person sessions, starting in mid-September, under the umbrella of “eNav21”. Sessions are designed to allow us to be innovative and practical in bringing advising to students. As in the past, we will focus on helping students be more intentional about their academic goals, where and why they wish to go abroad.
World-class responses to the following questions: How did your experience change you? How did it make you stronger? What are the myths?