A Comparison of the Gospel Passion Narratives
The Arrest | Jesus went to Gethsemane. | Jesus went to Gethsemane. | Jesus came to that place. | Jesus crossed the Kidron to a garden. |
Jesus greatly distressed & troubled. | Jesus sorrowful & troubled. |
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Jesus takes Peter, James, & John. | Jesus takes Peter, James, & John. | Jesus withdraws & prays: "let cup pass." |
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He prays three times: "let cup pass by." | He prays three times: "let cup pass by." | [Bloody sweat] |
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Others sleep. | Others sleep. | Others sleep for sorrow. | Judas comes. | |
Judas comes; kisses Jesus. | Judas comes; kisses Jesus. | Judas comes; kisses Jesus. | Jesus: "I am he"; soldiers swoon. | |
Slave’s ear cut off. | Slave’s ear cut off. | Slave’s right ear cut off. Jesus heals it. | Peter severs Malchus’ right ear. | |
Jesus protests his clandestine arrest | Jesus protests his clandestine arrest: "12 legions of angels." | Jesus protests his clandestine arrest. | "I must drink the cup." | |
All flee; a youth flees naked. | All flee. | They seized Jesus and led him away. | They seized Jesus and bound him. | |
Jesus Before Temple Priests | Jesus led to high priest. Peter follows. | Jesus led to Caiaphas. Peter follows. | Jesus to high priest’s house. Peter follows. | Jesus led to Annas. Peter follows. |
- | - | - | Other disciple admits Peter to courtyard. Peter's 1st denial. | |
Sanhedrin night trial. | Sanhedrin night trial. |
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High priest questions Jesus. | |
Charged with threat to destroy Temple. | Charged with threat to destroy Temple |
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Jesus protests his arrest. | |
"Are you Christ? Son of Blessed?" | "Are you Christ? Son of Blessed?" |
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Annas sends Jesus to Caiaphas. | |
Blasphemy! Death sentence. | Blasphemy! Death sentence. | - | - | |
Jesus mocked: "Prophesy!" | Jesus mocked: "Prophesy!" | - | - | |
Peter’s three denials. | Peter’s three denials. | Peter’s three denials. Jesus looks at him. | Peter’s 2nd and 3rd denials. | |
- | - | Jesus mocked: "Prophesy!" |
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Sanhedrin morning meeting. | Sanhedrin morning meeting. | Sanhedrin morning meeting. |
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- | - | "Are you Christ?" | - | |
- | - | "What need of witnesses?" | - | |
- | - | No sentence. | - | |
Jesus led to Pilate. | Jesus led to Pilate, the governor. | Jesus led to Pilate. | Jesus led from Caiaphas' house to Praetorium. | |
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Suicide of Judas. | - | - | |
Jesus Before Pilate |
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[Outside] Pilate: "What charge do you bring?" Reply: "He’s guilty & we can’t kill him." |
"Are you the king of the Jews" | "Are you the king of the Jews" | "Are you the king of the Jews" | [Inside] "Are you the king of the Jews" | |
- | - | Jesus: "So you say" Pilate: "No crime" | Jesus: "Not of this world." | |
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- | Jesus sent to Herod who returns him. Pilate: "no crime." | [Outside] Pilate: "No crime." | |
Barabbas | Barabbas | Barabbas | Barabbas | |
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Pilate’s wife’s dream. |
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[Inside] Jesus scourged and mocked. | |
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Pilate washes hands, "you do it!" |
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[Outside] "Behold the man!" "He must die!" |
- | - | - | [Inside] "Where do you come from?" | |
"Crucify him!" | Crowd: "His blood be on us & our children." | "Crucify him!" Pilate: "no crime." | [Outside] "We have no king but Caesar!" | |
Jesus scourged and handed over. | Jesus scourged and handed over. | Jesus delivered up to their will. | Jesus handed over to them to be crucified. | |
Jesus mocked with crown of thorns. | Jesus mocked with crown of thorns. | - | - | |
Simon of Cyrene carries cross. | Simon of Cyrene carries cross. | Simon of Cyrene carries cross. | Jesus carries own cross by himself. | |
- | - | Women of Jerusalem weep for Jesus. |
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The Cross | They came to Golgotha. | They came to Golgotha. | They came to Skull Place. |
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They crucified him. | They crucified him. | Crucified him and two criminals on right and left. | Crucified him & two others on either side | |
- | - | Jesus: "Father, forgive them." | "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews" in 3 languages. Priests vs. Pilate. | |
Cast lots for his clothes. Third hour | Cast lots for his clothes. | Cast lots for his clothes. | Casts lots, but tunic without seam. | |
"The King of the Jews." | "This is Jesus the King of the Jews" | - |
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Two brigands then crucified on right and left of Jesus. | Two brigands then crucified on right and left of Jesus. | - | - | |
Passersby mock Jesus. | Passersby mock Jesus. | People watch. | - | |
Chief priests & scribes mock him. | Chief priests, scribes, elders mock him. | Rulers scoff at Jesus. | - | |
- | - | Soldiers mock Jesus, offering vinegar. | - | |
- | - | "This is the King of the Jews" | - | |
Jesus reviled by others crucified. | Jesus reviled by brigands. | One convict repents; "Paradise today!" | - | |
- | - | - | Mother, 3 women, beloved disciple. "Behold your son/mother." | |
Sixth hour brings darkness. | Sixth hour brings darkness. | Sixth hour brings darkness. | - | |
- | - | Sun eclipsed; Temple curtain torn. | - | |
"Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani!" | "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani!" | Jesus screams & prays, "Father, to you I commend my spirit" | Jesus: "I thirst." Vinegar offered. | |
Jesus screams and breathes his last. | Jesus screams and yields his spirit. | He breathes his last. | "It is finished." Gives up his spirit. | |
Temple curtain torn. | Temple curtain torn; earthquake. | - | - | |
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Dead arise and visit Jerusalem. | - | - | |
Centurion: "God’s Son!" | Centurion & others: "God’s Son!" | Centurion: "He was innocent!" | Passover sundown; soldiers break others’ legs, but Jesus is speared; blood and water discharged. | |
- | - | Crowd leaves beating breasts in sorrow | ||
Four women see all from afar. | Four women see all from afar. | All Jesus’ acquaintances and the women stand at a distance. | He who saw it has borne true witness. | |
The Burial |
Joseph of Arimathea, a council member, asks Pilate for the body. | Joseph of Arimathea, a disciple, asks Pilate for the body. | Joseph of Arimathea, a council member who opposed their action, asks Pilate for the body. | Joseph of Arimathea, a secret disciple, asks Pilate for the body. |
Pilate checks on death of Jesus. |
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He & Nicodemus anoint body with spices. | |
Body wrapped in shroud. | Body wrapped in shroud. | Body wrapped in shroud. | Body in cloth wrappings. | |
Rock tomb. | New rock tomb. | Unused rock tomb. | Unused garden tomb. | |
Stone against door. | Stone against door. | Day of Preparation. | Day before the Sabbath. | |
Mary Magdalene & Mary (Joses’ mother) observe the tomb. | Mary Magdalene & the other Mary observe the tomb. | Women from Galilee observe tomb. |
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Guard posted. |
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